
Please join us for Children’s Church on the third Sunday of every month. We will come together and experience a special Children’s message during worship and then adjourn to Fellowship Hall and have Sunday School.

A major part of Ivy Chapel’s mission statement is to provide a welcoming and caring environment for children, youth and adults. We are very supportive of our youth, recognizing that they are truly the future of our church.

We are currently looking for a Youth Ministry coordinator to help us continue to fulfill our mission to our youth, and to our community. Learn more about the position here.

Our church’s culture is built around having children as important participants in the worship experience, serving as acolytes, lay liturgists, providing special music and writing and leading our annual Youth Sunday worship service.

Our youth also love to help others.  We coordinate several service activities throughout the year. This year they have participated in a Christmas Choral offering with adult members of the congregation, painted a commemorative plate for our Pastor’s retirement, and just recently they led a Souper Bowl Drive to collect donations for a local food pantry.

And while some of our service and fellowship activities are group-specific, much of what we do involves all youth. Our kids love to do things together. It’s a great learning experience for all – and often involves the entire congregation.

For more information about our youth activities, you can email us at or leave a message at (314) 434-4991.