Visiting Ivy Chapel

Guests are always welcome at Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ!
Ivy Chapel is located at 620 North Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Our phone number is (314)434-4991.
Worship service is held at 10 am on Sunday mornings- you can also join us virtually on our YouTube channel – IvyChapelUCC
Where do I park?
Parking is available in our large paved upper parking lot. Overflow parking is available in the gravel lot on the north side of the church property off of North Woods Mill Road.
What do I wear?
You are encouraged to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
Does Ivy Chapel have Sunday School classes?
Ivy Chapel is currently looking for a Children’s Minister and is holding Children’s Church during the worship on the third Sunday of each month.
What about a nursery?
A nursery attendant is available during worship services for children up to age 4. Please ask for more information from a Greeter/Usher.
What can I expect as a guest at worship?
When you arrive at the church please enter through the canopied doors into our Narthex. A church member will greet you and direct you towards the sanctuary where an usher will be available to hand out bulletins and answer any questions you may have. You may sit anywhere you like! The bulletin lists the order of things in the worship service and we include our KYP (Keeping You Posted) weekly insert so everyone can get all the news about Ivy for the week(s) ahead.
What if I visit on a day you are celebrating communion?
Please join us! Everyone at Ivy Chapel is welcome to take part in communion. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month as well as on special holy days. We celebrate communion at the altar. Everyone is encouraged to make their way to the alter and receive. The bread is available first. We take it and eat it and then move to partake of the cup. Grape juice is in the outer rings, wine in the inner rings. We take it and drink and then throw away the cup in the provided basket and return to our seats.
Do you have fellowship time?
Yes! However, due to the transition in leadership we are only meeting for Fellowship on the third Sunday after worship. Please join us then!
Where are the restrooms?
Restrooms are located in a small alcove off of the Narthex.
A changing table is available in the Nursery in our office wing of the building.
Signs will help to direct you.
Do you have other questions?
If so, please call the Ivy Chapel office at any time (314) 434.4991.
Please leave a message if no one is there to answer the phone. If you need someone more urgently please contact the office administrator, Kara White at 314-409-2832
You can also email us: