Spice up your February! Ivy Chapel Chili Supper Feb. 20

January 23, 2010 by  
Filed under What's happening

Suffering from cabin fever? Wishing for warmth? Ivy Chapel has the cure!

Warm up with spicy red or white chili at our Chili Supper, Feb. 20 from 4-7:30 p.m. Bring your family and friends and eat in Fellowship hall, or pick up some chili for the whole gang!

$8 for adults and $4 for kids includes all you can eat chili, veggies, chips, crackers, beverages and homemade desserts… plus hot dogs for the kids! Childcare will be available.

Proceeds will benefit Ivy Chapel outreach activities.

Plus… take a chance on our special raffle to support a special youth mission trip to Honduras this summer!

Want to help spread the word?

Download the flyer here, print it out and post it all around town! (Or e-mail it to your friends…)

Undie Sunday brings warmth & comfort

November 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Ivy Chapel’s Ark Youth Group (7th & 8th Graders) called upon the congregation for help… and we responded! The youth collected 291 pairs of underwear, 19 pairs of socks and six baby t-shirts for our annual Undie Sunday. The items will be donated to Joint Neighborhood Ministry, who will pass them along to children in need. Thank you to all who reached out to help.

Bring the kids to Santa’s Workshop Dec. 6

November 10, 2009 by  
Filed under What's happening

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Ivy Chapel kids can participate in Santa’s Worskhop December 6 after worship. Just fill out the  SIGN UP Form and give it to Shannon Farrell or Erin Lowry. Parents or Jr./Sr. youth can also use this form to sign up as a helper. Click on SIGN UP Form to find out more. Questions? E-mail the church office.

Ivy youth contribute to Festival of Sharing service project

October 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Hats off to members of the Ivy Chapel Lambs & Genesis youth groups (and, of course, their parents) who collected almost $200 for the Festival of Sharing Layette Service project. The youth collected money in church, and then went shopping for baby care items. They returned to church and assembled the kits, which will be given to new moms who are having trouble affording the things they need to care for their babies. The groups collected enough money to assemble four full kits and to purchase several extra boxes of diapers, which will be donated to Joint Neighborhood Ministry in St. Louis.

The new school year has begun!

August 16, 2009 by  
Filed under What's happening

rallydayOn August 16, the Ivy Chapel congregation celebrated Rally Day, the beginning of the new Sunday School year. The day began with our 2nd outdoor worship… and while the St. Louis humidity was in fine form, a cool breeze made it more than tolerable. The children joined the service, walking down the hill from the main building holding streamers and artwork they created during the summer depicting their favorite Bible stories. The artwork will hang in the Sunday School hall downstairs.

It’s going to be a great year at Ivy Chapel!

For more photos of Rally Day, visit our Photos page.

For more information about Ivy Chapel’s youth programs, please contact our Youth Program Coordinator, Linda Lowry.

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