Healing Powers

July 15, 2024 by  
Filed under What If? blog

In June we celebrated the United Church of Christ’s commitment to growing into a fully Open and Affirming (ONA) fellowship, as we read a story of Jesus healing those who have been marginalized and outcast.  Following Christ, the UCC has been a beacon for healing and hope for those pushed to the edges because of sexual or gender identity.

“Beginning in 1969, the United Church of Christ has advocated for the LGBT community.  From the campaign to decriminalize same-sex relationships to support for marriage equality, the UCC has made a difference in the lives of LGBT citizens and their families.  The issues have changed over the decades, but the basic commitment to full inclusion and human rights remains the same…

The ONA National Gathering this coming September is the family reunion of the Open and Affirming movement in the United Church of Christ!  Members of any church—ONA or not-yet ONA—are welcome to attend.  Expect a celebration with exuberant music, inspiring preaching, and workshops that will feed your mind and soul.

While the Religious Right and their allies in federal and state governments are renewing their attack on the basic civil liberties of LGTBQ Americans, and our international queer siblings are experiencing attacks and unconscionable laws, our growing community of churches needs to respond with confidence, commitment and faith.

This September’s National Gathering will focus on how ONA churches can act faithfully in our current social and political climate.  We’ll learn best practices from vital and growing ONA churches.  And, as is always true at our Gatherings, we’ll explore the intersections of our movement with other movements for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.”

Find out more about how to register at openandaffirming.org .

What if…we embraced the gift of the Earth?

May 6, 2024 by  
Filed under What If? blog

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his Love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. –John 15:9-17

As we enter May and all of the wonderful spring opportunities that gives us, we are taking this time to look ahead to the busy month as we prepare for Pentecost.

We will also be celebrating Rural Life Sunday on May the 19th and offer this special prayer of thanks to the Lord for all he has given us.

Great Thanksgiving Communion Prayer for Rural Life Sunday:

Dear God, Creator of all things,
Long ago in the very beginning, you knelt down and scooped a handful of dirt and you knew it could live. And so you formed us, not crawling upon the face of the Earth, but intimately connected with Her.
In all times and places, your people have looked at the soil and, having first given thanks for what that soil can bring forth, have planted seeds, tended and sown.
The result of that gratitude and hard work is laid before us now on this table. Wheat and water, ground and risen, become bread. Grapes painstakingly crushed became juice/wine. Like Jesus who gathered with his friends on that holy night long ago, today people give thanks for the elements before us, and for the lands and people that produced it. We sing with gratitude as your people have sung across the lands and the generations.
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in eth highest!
Blessed in the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!