July 21 – Wherever you are
July 20, 2024 by Rich
Filed under Featured, Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey; you are welcome here. Always. This belief is at the very heart of the UCC, and of everything we do here at Ivy Chapel. (Featured Image by freepik)
PRELUDE — The Master Has Come — (Ash Grove)
One: Let us call on God.
All: God is near to all who call.
One: Come into the presence of God and be nourished.
All: We are here to renew our covenant with God! Let every heart rejoice!
*HYMN — All Things Bright and Beautiful — #65
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
Each little flow’r that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings. [Refrain]
The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset, and the morning
That brightens up the sky; [Refrain]
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them, ev’ry one. [Refrain]
He gave us eyes to them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well. [Refrain]
God, you are a Magnificent God! You are eternal; and you are our “contemporary”. We gather to worship you with thanksgiving for all that you have done, for all that you are doing, and for all that you promise to do in the world. We are amazed and overjoyed that you so thoroughly love the whole world. We cannot earn your love. It’s a pure gift! What we can do is receive and treasure and share it. Astonishing God, you revealed your love for all people when you came to earth in person as Jesus Christ.
God, fill us with your love. We pray that this worship will lead us to grow in your image. Throughout our lives, may we discover more fully who you are and who you would like us to become. May our faith in you and our devotion to you always continue growing. Amen.
*RESPONSE — I Will Sing of the Mercies — worship booklet, p. 56
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing I will sing
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
With my mouth will I make known
Your faithfulness Your faithfulness
With my mouth will I make known
Your faithfulness to all generations
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
All the hosts of the angels sing God’s praises
Forever for the things He has done.
All the hosts of the angels sing God’s praises, forever
All the hosts of the angels sing God’s praise.
Who can be compared to God in faithfulness, in faithfulness?
Who can be compared to God in faithfulness to all generations?
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
GOD’S WORD — Psalm 89:1-4, 20-29
*HYMN — Pass It On — #503
It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing.
That’s how it is with God’s love once you’ve experienced it;
You spread His love to everyone; You want to pass it on.
What a wondrous time is spring when all the trees are budding,
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming.
That’s how it is with God’s love once you’ve experienced it;
You want to sing, it’s fresh like spring, You want to pass it on.
I wish for you, my friend, this happiness that I’ve found,
You can depend on Him, it matters not where you’re bound.
I’ll shout it from the mountain top – I want my world to know;
The Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on.
GOD’S WORD — 2 Samuel 7:1-13
SPECIAL MUSIC — Make Me a Blessing
GOD’S WORD — Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
SERMON — Pastor Dan
*HYMN — Great Is Thy Faithfulness — #17
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
*POSTLUDE — Three Pieces for the Flutes
August 15 Livestream – Seek Peace
August 14, 2021 by Rich
Filed under Featured, Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Whatever brings you here today, we hope you find the peace you seek within our four walls, real or virtual.
PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta
One: Find strength in God’s power.
All: In all times and places, we can rely on God.
One: Find hope in all that God promises!
All: God in Christ Jesus has set us all free.
One: Find joy in all that God provides!
All: God’s mercies are new every morning!
*HYMN – Nearer, My God, to Thee – #437
- Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
E’en though it be a cross that raiseth me;
Still all my song shall be,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee. - Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down,
Darkness be over me, my rest a stone;
Yet in my dreams I’d be
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee. - There let the way appear steps unto heav’n;
All that Thou sendest me in mercy giv’n;
Angels to beckon me
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee. - Then, with my waking thoughts bright with Thy praise,
Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I’ll raise;
So by my woes to be
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee. - Or if on joyful wing, cleaving the sky,
Sun, moon, and stars forgot, upward I fly,
Still all my song shall be
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer to Thee.
Powerful God, your love poured out in Jesus Christ invests us with strength the world cannot offer. Through your blessing, souls find rest. Through the Sabbath, the foundations of human lives are rebuilt. God of all nations and all people; stir within us. Shatter our narrow understandings of who you are. By your grace and peace, empower our witness. Dear God, you reveal what true mightiness is! Fill the lives of all your children with joy and love today. Amen.
*PRAISE RESPONSE – Bless the Lord, O My Soul – #85
Bless the Lord, o my soul;
Bless the Lord, o my soul;
And all that is within me,
Bless His holy name
HYMN – Here I Am, Lord – worship booklet, pp. 46-47
- I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in deepest sin my hand will save.
I who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord,
If you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
- I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them, they turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my word to them. Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord,
If you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
- I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them, my hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
Til their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord.
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord,
If you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart, in my heart.

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 34:9-15, 17-18, 22
SPECIAL MUSIC – Let There Be Peace on Earth – Anna DiVesta and Aaron DiVesta
GOD’S WORD – John 6:41-44, 47-58 – Pastor Dan
SERMON – Pastor Dan
*HYMN – Every Time I Feel the Spirit – worship booklet, p. 39
Every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray,
Yes, every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray.
- Upon the mountain my God spoke,
Out of God’s mouth came fire and smoke,
Looked all around me; looked so fine;
I asked my God if all were mine.
Every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray,
Yes, every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray.
Oh, Jordan river, chilly and cold,
It chills the body, not the soul.
There’s only one train on this track;
It runs to heaven, then right back.
Every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray,
Yes, every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray.
*POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta
May 3 Virtual Worship
May 3, 2020 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
We are glad you could join us again for this week’s virtual worship, the fourth Sunday of Easter.
More Love to Thee
- More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to thee!
Hear Thou the prayer I make on bended knee;
This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to Thee,
More love to Thee, More love to Thee! - Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest;
Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best;
This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee,
More love to Thee, More love to Thee! - Let sorrow do its work, Send grief and pain;
Sweet are Thy messengers, Sweet their refrain;
When they can sing with me: More love, O Christ, to Thee,
More love to Thee, More love to Thee! - Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy praise;
This be the parting cry My heart shall raise;
This still its prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee,
More love to Thee, More love to Thee!
Spirit Song
- O let the Son of God enfold you with his Spirit and his love,
let Him fill your life and satisfy your soul.
O let him have the things that hold you and his Spirit, like a dove,
will descend upon your life and make you whole.
Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
- O come and sing t his song with gladness as you r hearts are filled with joy,
lift your hands in sweet surrender to his name.
O give him all your tears and sadness, give him all your years of pain
and you’ll enter into life in Jesus’ name.
HarvestFest Fundraiser, Nov. 4
October 4, 2017 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
You are invited to a vintage (but that does not mean old and stuffy) evening of wine, cheese, appetizers, desserts, music and more. And oh yeah, did we mention the auction? Silent and oral auctions, secret bubbly bags and other surprises are in store all evening long.
Here are the details on HarvestFest 2017:
November 4, 2017
6:30 p.m. – ?
Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ
620 N. Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield
$15 per person in advance, $20 at the door
Proceeds will benefit Ivy Chapel programs.
Looking for a ticket? Have an auction item to donate? Drop us a line or call 314-434-4991 and we’ll set you up.
Thank you… and see you there.
Want to help promote HarvestFest? Use these flyers and invitations to spread the word.
Spaghetti Dinner, Feb. 26
February 12, 2011 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
What are you doing Feb. 26, from 4 to 7:30 p.m.?
You could be enjoying delicious pasta and great company at Ivy Chapel! We’re located at 620 N. Woods Mill in Chesterfield.
Proceeds will support Ivy Chapel community outreach programs.
With your contribution of $8.00 for adult ($4.00 for children) you’ll get a heaping plate of Spaghetti, bowl of salad, dessert, and a beverage.
Babysitting is provided.
Help spread the word! Download this flyer and send it to your friends!
Need more details? Drop us a line, and we’ll fill you in.
Thanks for a great VBS!
August 13, 2010 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
It was another great year for Ivy Chapel’s Vacation Bible School… Thanks to the volunteers (and the students!) who made it possible. Watch this space for pictures, and check with us throughout the year for more on our youth and family-oriented activities. Want to know more? Just contact us.