December 5 – Vision of Peace

The season of anticipation continues, as we light the second candle on the Advent wreath. This is the candle of peace. Our congregation, our community, and our world pray for peace on this day.

As we begin worship today, please gather the elements for communion. We celebrate open communion in the United Church of Christ, so all are welcome at our table.


PRELUDE – Shepherds came, their praises bringing – Walcha

One: In the wilderness, blaze a trail for God.
All: Every valley shall be raised up.
One: Every mountain shall be made low.
All: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed among us.

*HYMN – It Came Upon the Midnight Clear – #199

It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold:
“Peace on the earth, good will to men,
From heaven’s all-gracious King.”
The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing.

Still through the cloven skies they come
With peaceful wings unfurled,
And still their heavenly music floats
O’er all the weary world;
Above its sad and lowly plains,
They bend on hovering wing,
And ever o’er its Babel sounds
The blessed angels sing.

And ye, beneath life’s crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow,
Look now! for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing.
O rest beside the weary road,
And hear the angels sing!

For lo! the days are hastening on,
By prophet seen of old,
When with the ever-circling years
Shall come the time foretold
When the new heav’n and earth shall own
The Prince of Peace their King.
And the whole world send back the song
Which now the angels sing.

*PRAYER OF INVOCATION – (adapted from Psalm 72)
God of wanderers in the wilderness; we enter this moment of worship expecting that, when we leave this church sanctuary, we will be filled with courage needed to stand as your witnesses in the world. We set foot here on holy ground to feel closer to you, O God. This sacred space offers blessing. Let righteousness flourish. Let peace abound.
From generation to generation, you are God, who does wondrous things! We gather to worship you, in the Spirit of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


*RESPONSE – Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming (Verse 2) – #196

Isaiah ’twas foretold it,
The Rose I have in mind:
With Mary we behold it,
The virgin mother kind.
To show God’s love aright
She bore to men a Savior
When half-spent was the night.

GOD’S WORD – Matthew 3:1-12

SPECIAL MUSIC – Away in the Manger – Cotter

GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 11:1-10

SERMON – Pastor Dan

*HYMN – Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ – worship booklet, p. 64

Let us talents and tongues employ,
reaching out with a shout of joy:
bread is broken, the wine is poured,
Christ is spoken and seen and heard.
Jesus lives again; earth can breathe again.
Pass the Word around: loaves abound

Christ is able to make us one,
at his table he set the tone,
teaching people to live to bless,
love in word and in deed express.
Jesus lives again; earth can breathe again.
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!

Jesus calls us in, sends us out
bearing fruit in a world of doubt,
gives us love to tell, bread to share:
God (Immanuel) everywhere!
Jesus lives again; earth can breathe again.
Pass the Word around: loaves abound!

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION – All are welcome at God’s table.


*HYMN – Make Way – worship booklet, p. 69

Make way, make way, for Christ the King
in splendor arrives.
Fling wide the gates and welcome him
into your lives.

Make way, make way for the
King of kings. Make
way, make way!
and let his kingdom in.

He comes, the broken hearts to heal,
the prisoners to free.
The deaf shall hear, the lame shall dance,
the blind shall see. (chorus)

And those who mourn with heavy hearts
who weep and sigh;
with laughter, joy and royal crown
he’ll beautify. (chorus)

We call you now to worship him
as Lord of all,
To have no gods before him
Their thrones must fall. (chorus)


*POSTLUDE – Dialogue from Magnificat – Dandrieu

November 27 – Hope, the first Sunday of Advent

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ! For all of those near and far, we wish you the brightest of wishes on this long, peaceful holiday weekend. Today, with an abundance of Hope, the Advent Season begins. This is a time of preparation for the coming birth of God’s Messiah. All are welcome to join us on the journey to the Birth of Christ.


PRELUDE – The Rose – Young

One: In the wilderness, blaze a trail for God.
All: Every valley shall be raised up.
One: Every mountain shall be made low.
All: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed among us.

O Come, All Ye Faithful (verses 1 and 3) – #188

O come, all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant!
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come and behold Him,
born the King of angels.

O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord!

Sing, choirs of angels,
sing in exultation,
O sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest.


What Child Is This? (verses 1 and 2) – #202

What child is this, who, laid to rest
On Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
Haste, haste to bring him laud
The babe, the son of Mary

Why lies He in such mean estate
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear; for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.


Angels from the Realms of Glory (verses 1 and 2) – #207

Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation’s story
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth:

Come and worship, come and worship,
Worship Christ, the newborn king.

Shepherds, in the field abiding,
Watching o’er your flocks by night,
God with man is now residing;
Yonder shines the infant Light: [Refrain]

Ever-present God, your promises are being fulfilled among us moment by moment. At this time of year, as the daytime hours grow shorter and the shadows lengthen, we treasure daylight.
God of Light, help us to turn away from unhealthy influences and to turn toward you as we begin this Advent Season. Fill us with fresh expectation. Teach us again that this season is a time to watch, not for things that have already happened, but for exciting, new things that have not yet taken place. Come, Christ Jesus. This world greatly needs you. Help us to watch closely and to remain ready for the next holy moment when you will be born. Amen.


*RESPONSE – Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming (verse 1) – #196

Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
From tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage coming
As men of old have sung.
It came, a floweret bright,
Amid the cold of winter
When half-spent was the night.


GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 2:1-5

CONFERENCE ANNUAL GATHERING, Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ –Rod Hertenstein

SPECIAL MUSIC – There’s a Star in the East – arr. Hassell

GOD’S WORD – Matthew 11:2-10

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Live Into Hope – worship booklet, p. 65

Live into hope of captives freed,
Of sight regained, the end of greed.
Th’ oppressed shall be the first to see
The year of God’s own jubilee!

Live into hope! The blind shall see
With insight and with clarity,
Removing shades of pride and fear,
A vision of our God brought near.

Live into hope of liberty,
The right to speak, the right to be,
The right to have one’s daily bread,
To hear God’s word and thus be fed.

Live into hope of captives freed,
From chains of fear or want or greed.
God now proclaims our full release
To faith and hope and joy and peace.


*POSTLUDE – Noel, Grand Jeu et duo – Daquin

November 20 – Together in Christ

We gather on the final Sunday of the Christian Church Year. Praise God for the Eternal Reign of Christ!

Thanksgiving blessings to all of you, from Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ. We invite you to worship with us in person during the upcoming Advent and Christmas season. You can experience our worship services any time on our YouTube page.

We are currently experiencing difficulty with our in-sanctuary technology, but will be livestreaming worship on Facebook.

SILENT REFLECTION – Eternal Life – #610


PRELUDE – Antiphon – Young

One: Come into God’s presence with thanksgiving!
All: Make a joyful noise to God!
One: This morning, let’s really praise God!
All: Yes! Let’s rejoice big-time over God’s salvation!
One: Give thanks! Bless God’s holy name!
All: Praise God for wonders all around the world!

*HYMN – All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name – #68

All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all;
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all!

Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race,
Ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
And crown him Lord of all;
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
And crown him Lord of all!

Let every kindred, every tribe
On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown him Lord of all;
To Him all majesty ascribe,
And crown him Lord of all!

O that with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall!
We’ll join the everlasting song,
and crown Him Lord of all;
We’ll join the everlasting song,
and crown Him Lord of all!

God of this fresh, new day; we are here to worship you! We are grateful that you are God of all the earth! Bless us with the tenacity to pay attention, so that we may become aware that 24/7 we are on holy ground.
Now, in this sacred place, take hold of us, O Potter God. Soften us. Sculpt us. Knead our souls. Shape us and re-shape us in your image. May you be seen in us.
God of life abundant; get us excited about all that we can do and be with what you offer! Amen!

*PRAISE RESPONSE – King of Kings – #291

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory

Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, glory

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory

GOD’S WORD – Jeremiah 23:1-6

SPECIAL MUSIC – The Love of the Lord – Cotter

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 46 & Colossians 1:11-20

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Let All Things Now Living – worship booklet, pp. 60-61

Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving
To God the creator triumphantly raise.
Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us,
Who still guides us on to the end of our days.
God’ banners are o’er us, His light goes before us,
A pillar of fire shining forth in the night.
Till shadows have vanished and darkness is banished
As forward we travel from light into light.

His law he enforces, the stars in their courses
And sun in its orbit obediently shine;
The hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains,
The deeps of the ocean proclaim him divine.
We too should be voicing our love and rejoicing;
With glad adoration a song let us raise
Till all things now living unite in thanksgiving:
“To God in the highest, Hosanna and praise!”


*POSTLUDE – Sortie – Young

November 13 – Possibilities

All are welcome here. Jesus Christ is a Savior of infinite possibilities. We invite you to explore them with us, today and every day.

Join us in person on Sundays at 10 a.m., and anytime on our YouTube channel.

SILENT REFLECTION – God Above All – #348


PRELUDE – Carillon – Young

One: Sing to God!
All: Round up all the people possible, and fill the air with God’s praises!
One: Each new morning, God shows the world what can be done.
All: Our God is a God of infinite possibilities!
One: With eternal faithfulness, God works wonders!
All: Sing to God!
One: Sing a brand-new song!
All: Everybody, belt it out!
One: Glaciers and geysers; sound off!
All: Forests and mountains; blend together in harmony.
One: Swirling wind and waving wheat; whistle a sweet tune.
All: Everyone join in! Sing to God, all the earth!

*HYMN – Saved, Saved! – #345

I’ve found a friend who is all to me,
His love is ever true;
I love to tell how He lifted me,
And what His grace can do for you.

Saved by His pow’r divine,
Saved to new life sublime!
Life now is sweet and my joy is complete,
For I’m saved, saved, saved.

He saves me from ev’ry sin and harm,
Secures my soul each day;
I’m leaning strong on His mighty arm–
I know He’ll guide me all the way. [Refrain]

When poor and needy and all alone,
In love He said to me,
“Come unto Me and I’ll lead you home
To live with Me eternally.” [Refrain]

Thank you, God, for gathering us today. We are ready for action. Teach us your ways, and then lead us to live by them. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – Jesus, Lord to Me – #330

Jesus, Jesus, Lord to me;
Master, Savior, Prince of Peace;
Ruler of my heart today;
Jesus, Lord to me.

GOD’S WORD – 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13


SPECIAL MUSIC – In Memory – Cotter

GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 65:17-25

SERMON – Pastor Dan

*RESPONSE – UCC Statement of Faith – worship booklet, p. 4

We believe in God, the Eternal Spirit, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father, and to his deeds we testify:
He calls the worlds into being, creates man in his own image and sets before him the ways of life and death.
He seeks in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
He judges men and nations by his righteous will declared through prophets and apostles.
In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Lord, he has come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the world to himself.
He bestows upon us his Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues, and races.
He calls us into his church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be his servants in the service of men, to proclaim the gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ’s baptism and eat at his table, to join him in his passion and victory.
He promises to all who trust him forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, his presence in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in his kingdom which has no end.
Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto him.

*HYMN – A Mighty Fortress Is Our God – #1

A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing;
Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.

Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing,
Were not the right Man on our side, the Man of God’s own choosing.
Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His name, from age to age the same;
And He must win the battle.

And though this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us.
The Prince of Darkness grim, We tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for lo! his doom is sure;
One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly powers no thanks to them abideth;
The Spirit and the gifts are ours Through him who with us sideth:
Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also;
The body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still;
His kingdom is forever!


*POSTLUDE – Finale and Fughetta – J. K. F. Fischer

November 6 – Totenfest – Hold on to Faith 

Welcome to Ivy Chapel UCC. All are welcome here.
As our love for God grows, we become more and more fully alive as Christ’s disciples!

Today we observe Totenfest (the “Festival of the Dead”) in connection with All Saints’ Day. Worship will include our congregation’s ritual honoring loved ones who have passed on to life eternal during the past year. We also will be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion as our life-long journey “From Bread and Cup Toward Faith and Giving” continues. Please gather the elements before worship so you can celebrate communion with us.

Join us in person every Sunday at 10 a.m., or you can watch our services anytime on our YouTube page.

We are still having trouble with our main sanctuary camera, but were able to capture this week’s special service on Facebook Live. You do not need to be a member of Facebook to watch this video–click on the link and you should be able to watch. If you have trouble, let us know.

Click here to watch on Facebook.


PRELUDE – Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley – Lachenauer

One: God’s energy fills this place.
All: In this sanctuary, we feel God’s presence.
One: God brings people together.
All: God is bringing us together here.
One: Have you looked closely at God’s invitation?
All: God invites all people to come together with one another
around Christ’s Table.

*HYMN – For All the Saints – #548

For all the saints who from their labors rest,
Who Thee by faith before the world confessed,
Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might;
Thou, Lord, their captain in the well-fought fight;
Thou, in the darkness dread, their one true light.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Oh, blest communion, fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

But, lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day;
The saints triumphant rise in bright array;
The King of glory passes on his way.
Alleluia! Alleluia!

Still-Speaking God, throughout history you have gathered people around your Word to instruct and to inspire. We give thanks for people who have embraced your Vision and who have given of themselves supporting communities that follow your Way. Reveal your Vision in this house today, Amazing God, so that we may be transformed by your renewing grace. Lead us to continue growing in our love for you and for one another.
Watchful and Caring God, nourish within us pure hearts and souls. Every breath that we breathe is a gift from you. Encourage us and guide us as we continue striving to be channels of your astonishing compassion, Christ Jesus. May our lives serve you and praise you. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – Gloria Patri – #620

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son
And to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen

GOD’S WORD – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

TOTENFEST – Thanksgiving for Loved Ones


SPECIAL MUSIC – Pie Jesu, Andrew Lloyd Webber – Marsha Fix and Valerie Waterman, Vocalists

Merciful Jesus, who takest away the sins of the world, grant them rest.
O Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant them eternal rest.

GOD’S WORD – Luke 20:20, 27-38

SERMON – Pastor Dan

*HYMN – Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face – #259

Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;
Here would I touch and handle things unseen;
Here grasp with firmer hand th’eternal grace,
And all my weariness upon Thee lean.

Here would I feed upon the Bread of God;
Here drink with Thee the royal wine of heav’n;
Here would I lay aside each earthly load;
Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiv’n.

I have no help but Thine; nor do I need
Another arm save Thine to lean upon;
It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed;
My strength is in Thy might, Thy might alone.

Mine is the sin, but Thine the righteousness;
Mine is the guilt, but Thine the cleansing blood.
Here is my robe, my refuge, and my peace;
They blood, Thy righteousness, O Lord, my God.

All people are invited to Christ’s Table. All who desire are welcome to receive the bread and the cup.

*HYMN – I Sing a Song of the Saints of God – worship booklet, pp. 52-53

I sing a song of the saints of God,
patient and brave and true,
who toiled and fought and lived and died
for the Lord they loved and knew.
And one was a doctor, and one was a queen,
and one was a shepherdess on the green:
they were all of them saints of God, and I mean,
God helping, to be one too.

They loved their Lord so dear, so dear,
and God’s love made them strong;
and they followed the right, for Jesus’ sake,
the whole of their good lives long.
And one was a soldier, and one was a priest,
and one was slain by a fierce wild beast:
and there’s not any reason, no, not the least,
why I shouldn’t be one too.

They lived not only in ages past;
there are hundreds of thousands still;
the world is bright with the joyous saints
who love to do Jesus’ will.
You can meet them in school, or in lanes, or at sea,
in church, or in trains, or in shops, or at tea;
for the saints of God are just folk like me,
and I mean to be one too.


*POSTLUDE – Toccata – Speth

October 30 – Transforming Love

All are welcome here. God loves all people. Invite Jesus Christ into your life today.

Join us in person at 10 a.m. Sunday, or worship anytime on our YouTube page.


PRELUDE – Sarabande – Young

One: Let us praise God together!
All: Rejoice over God’s marvelous works!
One: God is working miracles!
All: God’s love is unconditional – unlimited – unending!
One: The earth is full of the glory of God!
All: As long as we are alive, we will sing God’s praises!

*HYMN – Where He Leads Me – #539

I can hear my Savior calling,
I can hear my Savior calling,
I can hear my Savior calling,
“Take thy cross and follow, follow Me.”

Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way.

I’ll go with Him thro’ the garden,
I’ll go with Him thro’ the garden,
I’ll go with Him thro’ the garden,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. [Refrain]

I’ll go with Him thro’ the judgment,
I’ll go with Him thro’ the judgment,
I’ll go with Him thro’ the judgment,
I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. [Refrain]

He will give me grace and glory,
He will give me grace and glory,
He will give me grace and glory,
And go with me, with me all the way. [Refrain]

Merciful God, you walk with the meek and the poor. You walk with the hungry and the thirsty. You walk with the persecuted and the sorrowful; and you call us to walk humbly with you.
When we are foolish, be our wisdom, O God. When we are weak, be our strength, we pray.
Caring God, you love and uplift all people. You call us to do the same. Continue giving us a clearer and clearer vision of who you are, God. You have created us in your image, and you want us to live as reflections of your goodness. With your continuing help, may we learn to do justice and to love kindness. Lead us, Christ Jesus. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – You Are My Hiding Place – #53

You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart
with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You. I will trust in You;
Let the weak say, “I am strong in the strength of the Lord”

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 32:1-7

SPECIAL MUSIC – Surely the Presence of the Lord – Marohnic

GOD’S WORD – Luke 19:1-10

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – “Are Ye Able,” Said the Master – #507

“Are ye able,” said the Master,
“To be crucified with me?”
“Yea,” the sturdy dreamers answered,
“To the death we follow Thee

Lord, we are able. Our spirits are Thine.
Remold them, make us, Like Thee, divine.
Thy guiding radiance Above us shall be
A beacon to God, To love, and loyalty.

Are ye able to remember,
When a thief lifts up his eyes,
That his pardoned soul is worthy
Of a place in paradise? [Refrain]

Are ye able when the shadows
Close around you with the sod,
To believe that spirit triumphs,
To commend your soul to God? [Refrain]

“Are ye able?” Still the Master
Whispers down eternity,
And heroic spirits answer
Now, as then, in Galilee. [Refrain]


*POSTLUDE – Gloria Patri – Kindermann

October 16 – Consecration Sunday

October 16 – Consecration Sunday

Let us rejoice and praise God! Following worship, we will celebrate all of the gifts offered to God this day by enjoying refreshments and time together in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to join us.

The past 2 Sundays, we have been blessed by God through inspiring, soulful, personal messages from Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss and Jo Ann Moody. Praise God! Now, we venture further on this shared faith journey! By the grace of God, we voyage ahead together “From Bread and Cup Toward Faith and Giving.”

Join us at 10 a.m. in our beautiful sanctuary at 620 N. Woods Mill Road in Chesterfield, or on our YouTube Channel. This post will be updated with a link to the live worship once it begins.


PRELUDE – Voluntary – Stanley

One: May we worship as our faithful ancestors worshiped
All: In awe of the spectacular signs and wonders
One: Done in the name of Jesus.
All: May our hearts and lives be patterned after the worthy example of Early Christian believers.
One: Having all things in common
All: Gathering in God’s holy temple
One: Receiving God’s gifts with complete joy!
All: Everyone together at one table. Sharing Bread and Cup. Growing in Faith and Giving. Praising God in all we do!

*HYMN – Give to the Winds Your Fears – #458

Give to the winds thy fears,
hope and be undismayed;
God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears;
God shall lift up thy head.

Through waves and clouds and storms,
He gently clears the way;
wait thou His time, so shall this night
soon end in joyous day.

Still heavy is thy heart,
still sink thy spirits down?
Cast off the weight, let fear depart,
and ev’ry care be gone.

What though thou rulest not,
yet heav’n, and earth, and hell
proclaim, God sitteth on the throne,
and ruleth all things well.

Leave to His sov’reign sway
to choose and to command,
so shalt thou wond’ring own His way,
how wise, how strong His hand!

Far, far above thy thought
His counsel shall appear,
when fully He the work hath wrought,
that caused thy needless fear.

Thou seest our weakness, Lord,
our hearts are known to Thee;
O lift Thou up the sinking heart,
confirm the feeble knee.

Let us in life, in death,
Thy steadfast truth declare,
and publish with our latest breath
Thy love and guardian care.

Abundant God, we meet you in our wilderness places. Places of chaos, places ripe for transformation. This sacred space is where we receive your provision. We bring so little, a few songs, a bit of prayer, a simple meal, but they are made into an overflowing feast of worship. May we have faith that even a little, when given in your name and blessed by you, becomes more than enough. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – Bless the Lord, O My Soul – #85

Bless the Lord, O My Soul;
Bless the Lord, O My Soul;
And all that is within me,
Bless His holy name.


GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 55:1-2


SPECIAL MUSIC – We Will Glorify – Paris/Hayes

Luke 6:37-38
Luke 11:36-39, 41
Luke 12:48
Mark 12:17
Matthew 10:8

MESSAGE – Pastor Dan

*HYMN – We Give Thee but Thine Own – #622

We give thee but thine own,
whate’er the gift may be;
all that we have is thine alone,
a trust, O Lord, from thee.

May we thy bounties thus
as stewards true receive
and gladly, as thou blessest us,
to thee our first fruits give.

‘Always-Giving-Extra’ God, you extend to each of us a sacred invitation to become one of your disciples. What an amazing offer! ‘The Way that leads to Life’ can be narrow and difficult. Yet all things are possible with you.

We receive so much from you, Christ Jesus. You are the One who anoints us with ‘living water!’ Your very life is an example of climbing higher; going farther; giving extra; loving beyond limit! May we receive the breath of life that you give, and may we respond by giving with ‘joy beyond measure!’ Amen.

We offer God our expressions of intended giving, asking God to consecrate them. All are invited to offer God your commitment supporting Christ’s ministries at Ivy Chapel UCC during singing of the final hymn by placing your 2023 Estimate of Giving Card in the designated offering basket. Hallelujah! Praise God! (You may also mail your 2023 estimates to the church at 620 N. Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO, 63017. Please send us an email if you have questions.

*HYMN – Take My Life and Let It Be – #436

Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days;
let them flow in endless praise,
let them flow in endless praise.

Take my hands and let them move
at the impulse of thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
swift and beautiful for thee,
swift and beautiful for thee.

Take my voice and let me sing
always, only, for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
filled with messages from thee,
filled with messages from thee.

Take my silver and my gold;
not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use
every power as thou shalt choose,
every power as thou shalt choose.

Take my will and make it thine;
it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart it is thine own;
it shall be thy royal throne,
it shall be thy royal throne.

Take my love; my Lord, I pour
at thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be
ever, only, all for thee,
ever, only, all for thee.


*POSTLUDE – Fugue – Kerckhoven

October 9 – From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving

As we continue on our autumn stewardship voyage, may God lead us toward growing faith and giving! Special thanks to Jo Ann Moody for offering her personal faith testimony with us during today’s worship.

You can watch this week’s worship live at 10 a.m. on Sunday and past services on our YouTube channel.


PRELUDE – Lied – Young

One: A word of encouragement came from a prophet to God’s people:
All: “Live a life that is full – build, plant, eat, love, multiply –
One: Pray to God for the welfare of your whole community.
All: Keep God at the center of all that is.”
One: We enter into this sacred space filled with hope,
All: For something happens here
which reminds us that we can live as God desires.
One: We encounter God in this sanctuary.
All: Here we sense that God is close by and God is blessing us!

*HYMN – Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart – #111

Rejoice, O pure in heart,
rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
your festal banner wave on high,
the cross of Christ your King.

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, give thanks, and sing!
2 Bright youth and snow-crowned age,
both men and women, raise
on high your free, exulting song,
declare God’s wondrous praise. [Refrain]

3 Still lift your standard high,
still chanting as you go,
from youth to age, by night and day,
in gladness and in woe. [Refrain]

4 At last the march shall end;
the wearied ones shall rest,
the pilgrims reach their home at last,
Jerusalem the blest. [Refrain]

5 Praise God, who reigns on high,
the Lord whom we adore:
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
one God forevermore. [Refrain]

Still-Sculpting God, you are a Magnificent Artist! You are creating ever-new masterpieces, God! This morning, we gather to worship you, because you thrill us by inviting us to be your people.
O God, we marvel at your endless faithfulness. You send the world your Son; and you send your Spirit; and forever you will be sending blessings. You uplift and care for each of your children, Everlasting God.
May your extravagant generosity be displayed in our faith and giving. Lead us to keep climbing higher and to continue growing in your image – joyfully responding to all that you ask of us! Amen.

*RESPONSE – Lord, I Lift Your Name on High – worship booklet, p. 68

Lord, I lift your name on high:
Lord, I love to sing Your praises.
I’m so glad You’re in my life;
I’m so glad You came to save us.
You came from heaven to earth to show the way,
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay.
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky;
Lord, I lift Your name on high!

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 90:1-2


GOD’S WORD – 1 Corinthians 4:1 & Philippians 2:4-11

SPECIAL MUSIC – Jesus, Name Above All Names with Oh, How I Love Jesus
– Hayes

RESPONSIVE READING – Psalm 139 – #631

MESSAGE – Jo Ann Moody

*HYMN – In This Very Room – #125

In this very room, there’s quite enough love for all of us
And in this very room, there’s quite enough joy for all of us
And there’s quite enough hope
And quite enough power
To chase away any gloom
For Jesus, Lord Jesus
Is in this very room

In this very room, there’s quite enough love for all of us
And in this very room, there’s quite enough joy for all of us
And there’s quite enough hope
And quite enough power
To chase away any gloom
For Jesus, Lord Jesus
Is in this very room
Yes there’s quite enough hope
And quite enough power
To chase away any gloom
For Jesus, Lord Jesus
Is in this very room
In this very room
In this very room
In this very room


*POSTLUDE – Fugue on the Kyrie – Couperin

October 2 – World Communion Sunday

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ, where all are invited to join us at Christ’s table on this World Communion Sunday. As you begin your virtual worship experience, please gather the communion elements so you may share in the experience with us.

Remember you may also join us in person in our sanctuary at 620 N. Woods Mill Rd. in Chesterfield, MO. Wherever you are on your journey through life, there is a place for you at Ivy Chapel.

Service will begin at 10 a.m. on Sunday on our YouTube Channel.

A joyous, warm welcome to our guest, the Rev. Dr. Mary Schaller Blaufuss (Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Eden Theological Seminary).


PRELUDE – A Hymn of Devotion – Brahms

One: From the East and the West
All: From the North and the South
One: All will gather around the Table of Christ
All: Where the last will be first
One: And the first will be last.
All: So that all may be included, and all may receive God’s love.

*HYMN – In Christ There Is No East or West – #137

In Christ there is no East or West,
In Him no South or North,
but one great fellowship of love

In Him shall true hearts everywhere
their high communion find;
His service is the golden cord
close binding humankind.

Join hands then, brothers of the faith,
whate’er your race may be!
Who serves my Father as a son
is surely kin to me.

In Christ now meet both East and West;
In Him meet South and North.
All Christly souls are one in Him
throughout the whole wide earth.

Giving God, we arrive weighed down by what we have been trying to carry alone. As we come into this sanctuary, may we leave at the door all that makes us reluctant to enter; and may we leave behind all that prevents us from living generously. We reject a mindset of scarcity. Instead, we embrace your perspective of eternal abundance. May our manner of living pave a way of blessing rather than a way of destruction. Let us say ‘Yes!’ to your Realm; and let us praise you together with all people as the diverse, spectacular human race whom you have made, Creator God! Amen.

*RESPONSE – Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken – worship booklet, p. 29

Bread of the world, in mercy broken,
Wine of the soul, in mercy shed!
By whom the words of life were spoken,
And in whose death our sins are dead!
Look on the heart by sorrow broken,
Look on the tears by sinners shed,
And be Thy feast to us the token,
That by Thy grace our souls are fed!

‘ B E H O L D ! ’ – Neighbors in Need

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 23

SPECIAL MUSIC – Praise Him – Paris/Hayes

GOD’S WORD – Luke 12:27-34 – Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss

SERMON – Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH – Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss

*HYMN – One Bread, One Body – worship booklet, pp. 72-73

One bread, one body, one Lord of all;
one cup of blessing which we bless,
and we, though many throughout the earth,
we are one body in this one Lord.

Gentile or Jew, servant or free,
woman or man, no more.


Many the gifts, many the works,
one in the Lord of all.


Grain for the fields, scattered and grown,
gathered to one for all.



*HYMN – Christ for the World We Sing – #545

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With loving zeal;
The poor, and them that mourn,the faint and overborne,
Sinsick and sorrow-worn, For Christ to heal.

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With fervent prayer;
The wayward and the lost, by restless passions tossed,
Redeemed at countless cost, From dark despair.

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With one accord,
With us the work to share, with us reproach to dare,
With us the cross to bear, For Christ our Lord.

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With joyful song;
The newborn souls, whose days, reclaimed from error’s ways,
Inspired with hope and praise, to Christ belong.

*BENEDICTION – Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss

*POSTLUDE – Laudes Domini – Young

September 25 Livestream – From Bread and Cup to Faith and Giving

All are invited to find shelter in our sanctuary, here among the trees that surround Ivy Chapel. Our services begin at 10 a.m. every Sunday. You may also join us on our YouTube channel.

Giving joyfully and extravagantly is our faithful response to God’s abundant gifts!
May the Love of Christ fill us to overflowing as we journey toward God’s ever-new horizons!


PRELUDE – Prelude and Fugue – Handel

One: Many are gathered here, hungry for so much: Souls who hunger for rest and nourishment; for inspiration and faith.
All: We will give you something to satisfy your hunger. We have stories of faith and songs of praise.
One: All who are hungry in body, whose stomachs have known the pain of emptiness.
All: We will give you something to eat! We have resources to share and a Table big enough for all!
One: All who are hungry for a relationship with the God of abundance an
All: We will give you something to eat! We have stories old and new of God’s amazing presence and love.
One: We share, because we know there is more than enough for all people everywhere – a surplus; like overflowing baskets of bread and fish!
All: All will eat together nourished by that which Jesus himself blesses and shares.

*HYMN – I Sing the Almighty Power of God – #6

I sing th’almighty pow’r of God
That made the mountains rise,
That spread the flowing seas abroad
And built the lofty skies.
I sing the wisdom that ordained
The sun to rule the day;
The moon shines full at his command,
And all the stars obey.

I sing the goodness of the Lord
That filled the earth with food;
He formed the creatures with His word
And then pronounced them good.
Lord, how wonThyders are displayed,
where’er I turn my eyes,
If I survey the ground I tread
Or gaze upon the skies.

There’s not a plant or flower below
But makes your glories known,
And clouds arise and tempests blow
By order from Thy throne;
While all that borrows life from Thee
Is ever in Thy care,
And everywhere that man can be,
Thou, God, are present there.

Bedrock God, all that is good rests on you; for you are the foundation of life. God of Almighty Power, you have created this scenic sanctuary to nourish souls. In this sacred space, your people receive glimpses of our oneness with each other and with you. At times, we have asked you for exceptional abilities, so that we might achieve glorious, impressive things and be admired. Instead, we pray, help us to value Your Glory, so that we may become your humble followers.
We have asked you, God, for riches, so that we might feel comfortable and secure. Deliver us from this temptation and teach us Your Way, so that we may live overflowing with your Spirit – offering to others Your ‘wealth of compassion and grace.’
We have asked you, God, to bless our dreams, so that we might find happiness. Instead, we pray, lead us to exalt you and to continue seeking Your Dream, so that all people may enjoy your gift of life abundant. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – Sanctuary – worship booklet, p. 76

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary,
Pure and holy, tried and true:
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for You.

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16

SPECIAL MUSIC – No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus – Hamilton

GOD’S WORD – Luke 16:19-31

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Living for Jesus – #413

Living for Jesus, a life that is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.

O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee,
For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me;
I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne;
My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.

Living for Jesus Who died in my place,
Bearing on Calv’ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.

Living for Jesus, wherever I am,
Doing each duty in His holy Name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross.

Living for Jesus through earth’s little while,
My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.


*POSTLUDE – Toccata in E Minor – Pachelbel

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