Jan. 17 Livestream – Known and Loved

This week, we pray for all God’s children to remember they are known and loved. We pray that the momentous week ahead is peaceful, and that we can all pause to find the unity we so desperately need.

Here is this week’s order for worship:

Prelude — Anna DiVesta

Responsive Call to Worship — Pastor Dan Wilson
One: Find strength in God’s power.
All: In all times and places, rely on God.
One: Find hope in all that God promises.
All: God in Christ Jesus sets all people free!
One: Find joy in all that God provides!
All: God’s mercies are new every morning!

Hymn — “Shout to the Lord” — p. 80, worship booklet

My Jesus, My Savior, Lord, there is none like You;
Al of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
My comfort, my shelter, Tower of refuge and strength;
Let every breath, all the I am, never cease to worship You.
Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing,
Power and Majesty, praise to the King;
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name.
I sing for joy at the work of Your hands,
For ever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand;
Nothing compares to the promise I have in you.


Prayer of Invocation — Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: Loving God, you care for us so faithfully and so thoroughly. Seeing that you delight in us brings out our best. When you rejoice in us, we come to realize and to believe in our capacity for goodness. When your light dawns in our lives, we want to share the joy! We want to spread the good word… your Gospel! We are amazed by the marvelous gifts which you give. Loving God, we dream of living as you do. Help us to recall the power of our own baptism and our personal commitment to you. God of cleansing, living water; you renew our souls. You name us as your children: precious, gifted, good.Every chance that we get may we delight you by serving others in the gentle and caring manner of Christ our Savior. Amen.

Scripture Reading — Psalm 139:1-6, 12-20 — Pastor Dan

Children’s Message — Jo Ann Moody

Special Music — “He Lifted Me”

Scripture Reading — John 1:43-51 — Pastor Dan

Sermon — Pastor Dan

Prayers of God’s Church concluding with the Lord’s Prayer — Pastor Dan

Hymn — “The Potter’s Hand”

Beautiful Lord, wonderful savior I know for sure, all of my days are held in Your hands
Crafted into Your perfect plan
You gently call me, into Your presence Guiding me by, Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord To live all of my life through Your eyes
I’m captured by, Your Holy calling
Set me apart I know You’re drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord I pray
Take me, and mold me
Use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter’s hands
Call me guide me Lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter’s hand
You gently call me, into Your presence Guiding me by, Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord To live all of my life through Your eyes
I’m captured by, Your Holy calling
Set me apart I know You’re drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord I pray
Take me, and mold me Use me, fill me
I give my life to my Potter’s hands
Call me, guide me Lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to my Potter’s hand
Take me, and mold me Use me, fill me
I give my life to my Potter’s hands
Call me, guide me
Lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to my Potter’s hand

Benediction — Pastor Dan

Postlude — Anna DiVesta