January 12 — Epiphany

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ.

After last week’s cancellation, we will have a busy worship today. We will be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion, so please gather the elements before worship begins so we can gather around God’s table together.

We will also have the installation of 2025 Ivy Chapel UCC Officers today. Thank you to those who have dedicated their time and talent to serve our church. After worship, we will plan the ear ahead with the All Boards Meeting.

Behold! The Light of God has come!


PRELUDE — Classic Trio — Young

One: Arise! Shine; for your light has come!
All: The glory of God has risen among us!
One: Lift up your eyes!
All: We are awake! Praise God for deliverance and blessings!
One: Let your hearts rejoice, and be radiant with hope!
All: God’s wondrous ways are being revealed to us today!

*HYMN — We Three Kings of Orient Are — #220

We three kings of Orient are;
Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.

O star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.

Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain,
Gold I bring to crown Him again,
King forever, ceasing never,
Over us all to reign.

Frankincense to offer have I;
Incense owns a Deity nigh;
Prayer and praising, all men raising,
Worship Him, God on high.

Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom;
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.

Glorious now behold Him arise;
King and God and sacrifice:
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Peals through the earth and skies.

God of Holy Light; we come to this time and place to be with you, to worship you, and to learn from you. May our time together resemble your creation of light in the darkness.
Eternal God, your purposes become clear to us in Jesus Christ. We come with boldness to claim our relationship with you. We are grateful for pioneers in faith whose discipleship has patterned for us a way of life rooted in your Gospel. The flames which you ignited within our forebears have not burned out. Your love and compassion are still proclaimed in the Church, where your people continue challenging centers of earthly power. Today, our search for meaning has led us to this place of worship. We gather to praise you and to discover more fully who you are calling us to become. Guide us. This we pray in your name, Christ Jesus. Amen.

*RESPONSE — The First Noel — #205

Then entered in those wise men three,
Full reverently upon their knee,
And offered there in His presence
Their gold, and myrrh, and frankincense.

Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel.

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord,
That hath made heaven and earth of naught,
And with His blood mankind hath bought.


GOD’S WORD — Isaiah 60:1-6 — Jo Ann Moody

SPECIAL MUSIC — What Wondrous Love Is This — Cotter

RESPONSIVE READING — Adoration of the Magi, Matthew 2:1-12 — #640

SERMON — Pastor Dan


*HYMN — Here, O My Lord, I See Thee — #259

Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;
Here would I touch and handle things unseen;
Here grasp with firmer hand th’eternal grace,
And all my weariness upon Thee lean.

Here would I feed upon the Bread of God;
Here drink with Thee the royal wine of heav’n;
Here would I lay aside each earthly load;
Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiv’n.

I have no help but Thine; nor do I need
Another arm save Thine to lean upon;
It is enough, my Lord, enough indeed;
My strength is in Thy might, Thy might alone.

Mine is the sin, but Thine the righteousness;
Mine is the guilt, but Thine the cleansing blood.
Here is my robe, my refuge, and my peace;
They blood, Thy righteousness, O Lord, my God.

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION — worship book, pp. 10-11
All who desire to receive are welcome to receive the bread and the cup at Christ’s Table.

*HYMN — Arise, Your Light Is Come! — worship book, p. 25

Arise, your light is come!
The Sprit’s call obey;
Show forth the glory of your God,
Which shines on you today.

Arise, your light is come!
Fling wide the prison door;
Proclaim the captives’ liberty,
Good tidings to the poor.

Arise, your light is come!
All you in sorrow born,
Build up the broken-hearted ones
And comfort those who mourn.

Arise, your light is come!
The mountains burst in song!
Rise up like eagles on the wing;
God’s power will make us strong.


*POSTLUDE — Cathedral Fanfare — Young

December 31 – God’s Long-Awaited Gift

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!


 PRELUDE  –  Angels from the Realms of Glory 

*CALL TO WORSHIP           

    One:  Sing of God’s glory! 

    All:  Shout to God, all the earth!

    One:  Rejoice!

    All:  Christ is born! 

*HYMN – Joy to the World! – #194

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

Let earth receive her King;

Let ev’ry heart prepare him room

And heav’n and nature sing,

And heav’n and nature sing,

And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.

Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!

Let men their songs employ,

While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains,

Repeat the sounding joy,

Repeat the sounding joy,

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

No more let sins and sorrows grow

Nor thorns infest the ground;

He comes to make his blessings flow

Far as the curse is found,

Far as the curse is found,

Far as, far as the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness

And wonders of His love,

And wonders of His love,

And wonders, wonders of His love.

*PRAYER OF INVOCATION                                                     

          God, you are with us!  We have heard the promise of the prophets.  We have rejoiced at the melody of angels’ songs.  We have seen your star in the heavens.  We have followed your star to a humble birthplace.  We have come to be with you, because you have come to be with us.  Now, may all hope and joy fill our lives, as we echo your angels, proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest!  Peace to God’s people on earth.”  Amen.

*RESPONSE – Angels We Have Heard on High –  #206                                  

Angels we have heard on high,

Sweetly singing o’er the plains,

And the mountains in reply

Echo back their joyous strains:


Gloria, in excelsis Deo!

Gloria, in excelsis Deo!

 GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 61:10-62:3                                

 SPECIAL MUSIC – Christmas Meditation   

 GOD’S WORD – Psalm 148                                                              

 RESPONSIVE READING – The Savior’s Advent / Luke 2:8-20

 – #639   

 SERMON  – Pastor Dan 


We will sing the first TWO verses of each selected carol.


*HYMN –  How Great Our Joy – #192

*RESPONSIVE BENEDICTION                                                                 

     One:  In a lowly stable, the Son of God is born.

     All:  God Most High comes down to earth.

     One:  No one except God would have imagined doing this! 

     All:  Go, tell it on the mountain  –  Jesus Christ is born!    

*POSTLUDE – Joy to the World!  

March 19 – Fourth Sunday of Lent – Restored

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ! Our sacred Lenten journey continues as we praise God with our ‘One Great Hour of Sharing’ gifts.

You can watch our worship services anytime on our YouTube channel. We will post a link on this page with today’s service once worship begins.



PRELUDE – What Wondrous Love Is This – Page

One: Come, all who seek to live in the shelter of the Most High.
All: Through Christ, we embrace new possibilities.
One: Come, people of God, return to the One who gives you life.
All: We are here in response to God’s welcoming love.
One: God lifts us up!
All: We can count on God’s faithfulness!

*HYMN – The Light of the World Is Jesus – #373

The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in;
The Light of the world is Jesus!

Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me;
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus!

No darkness have we who in Jesus abide;
The Light of the world is Jesus!
We walk in the light when we follow our Guide!
The Light of the world is Jesus! Refrain

Ye dwellers in darkness with sin-blinded eyes,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Go, wash at His bidding, and light will arise;
The Light of the world is Jesus! Refrain

No need of the sunlight in Heaven we’re told;
The Light of the world is Jesus!
The Lamb is the Light in the city of gold,
The Light of the world is Jesus! Refrain

God Eternal, your Spirit fills this place. May we draw strength from your presence.

God, your blessings provide all creation with life abundant. Your goodness endures. Words cannot express the joy you bring. All we can do is marvel; for you are holy. Your miracles are always unfolding. God, we praise you for this sacred morning. We are watching closely for signs of you. Come to us. Touch us. Help us to “see” our blindness. Make us whole. Amen.

*RESPONSE – Whiter Than Snow (Verses 1 and 4) – #368

Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole;
I want You forever to live in my soul,
Break down every idol, cast out every foe;
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow,
Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Lord Jesus, You see that I patiently wait,
Come now, and within me a new heart create;
To those who have sought You, You never said “No,”
Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. [Refrain]

GOD’S WORD – 1 Samuel 16:1-13

SPECIAL MUSIC – I Love to Tell the Story – arr. Hassell

GOD’S WORD – John 9:1-41

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Open My Eyes That I May See – #174

Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me.
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see.
Open my eyes, illumine me,
Spirit divine!

Open my ears that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear,
And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my ears, illumine me,
Spirit divine!

Open my mouth and let me bear
Gladly the warm truth ev’rywhere.
Open my heart and let me prepare
Love with thy children thus to share.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see.
Open my mouth, illumine me,
Spirit divine!


*POSTLUDE – Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr – Walther

December 24 – Christmas Eve – Christ is Born!

Peace on Earth! Goodwill to all! Christ the Savior is born! We are honored you have chosen to spend this special moment with Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ. On this day, and on all days, we send our best wishes to you and yours.

Tonight’s offering gifts will be given to the United Church of Christ Christmas Fund.

As always, you can join us on our YouTube channel.


We will be celebrating communion this evening, so if you are with us from home, be sure to gather the elements prior to worship.


One: Rejoice this night!
All: God above has come to earth!
One: Jesus has come to bring light and life to all people.
All: Glory to God in the highest!
One: Peace on earth.
All: Christ is born.

*HYMN – Angels from the Realms of Glory – #207

Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation’s story
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth:

Come and worship, come and worship,
Worship Christ, the newborn king.

Shepherds, in the field abiding,
Watching o’er your flocks by night,
God with man is now residing;
Yonder shines the infant Light: [Refrain]

Sages, leave your contemplations,
Brighter visions beam afar;
Seek the great Desire of nations;
Ye have seen His natal star: [Refrain]

Sants before the altar bending,
Watching long in hope and fear,
Suddenly the Lord, descending,
In His temple shall appear.


God Emmanuel, candlelight is an ideal symbol of your love. You are as reliable as a steadily burning candle flame. Your light overcomes darkness. As a candle provides light, you offer light to all people. You are the Savior of the whole world! People all over the world rejoice on this night, celebrating your birth as the Christ Child. For generations, people have marveled at this miracle, and your holy birth will amaze people forever. Tonight, we worship you, Christ Jesus. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – Emmanuel – #185

Emmanuel, Emmanuel
His name is called Emmanuel;

God with us, revealed in us;
His name is called Emmanuel.

O God, so tender and mild; two thousand years ago, you displayed the full extent of your love for all people by coming to life as a human being – Jesus, our brother, kind and good. This night, O God, we ask that you revive within us your image – your holiness.
Our Lord Emmanuel, you are full of surprises! While the world tempts us to focus on flashiness, you are constantly appearing in out-of-the-way places among ordinary people. Earthly life can be loud and hectic. Yet, above this world’s noise, the songs of your angels still resound. Above this world’s frenzy, the night sky remains tranquil. Your stars serenely shine.
Just as you calmed the stormy Sea of Galilee, you are the One who calms any and all turmoil in our lives. God Emmanuel, help us not to be afraid. Tonight, may all your children live without fear and receive your great joy: Christ is born! Amen.

SPECIAL MUSIC – Breath of Heaven (Sue Wilson, Vocalist) – Eaton/Grant







SPECIAL MUSIC – Who Would Imagine a King? (Valerie Waterman, Vocalist) – Warren/Hill

All who desire to receive the bread and the cup are welcome to receive Holy Communion.

The Breaking of the Bread and the Pouring of the Cup

The Sharing of the Bread and the Cup

*The Prayer of Thanksgiving (in unison)
God Emmanuel, thank you for welcoming us this Christmas Eve as guests at your table. Here in this sacred place, you have drawn us into Holy Communion with you and with one another. Being in true communion with one another is being joined together by your steadfast love.
Wherever we are, you are the very breath of life within us, O Holy One. Your miracles amaze us! We praise you for bringing us together tonight to celebrate your birth.
Christ Jesus, may our lives faithfully give away the grace that we receive from you as “a little child who leads us” – the Christ Child. Amen.


*HYMN – Silent Night – #189

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright
‘Round yon virgin mother and child.
Holy Infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heav’nly hosts sing, Alleluia!
Christ, the Savior, is born!
Christ, the Savior, is born!

Silent night, holy night!
Son of God, love’s pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.

A Blessed Christmas

October 22 – JUST Worship

We rejoice at this opportunity to gather in God’s house. All people are welcome here!
Giving joyfully and extravagantly is our faithful response to God’s abounding grace.

Wherever we gather today, we are in God’s house! Our doors are open and you can join us in person at Ivy Chapel, or on our YouTube channel.


PRELUDE – Prelude on Abide with Me – Young

One: Morning has broken.
All: Let the heavens be glad!
One: Let the earth rejoice!
All: We are mysteriously drawn to worship by the unseen.
One: God’s wonders are alive everywhere.
All: Here on holy ground, we sense God’s closeness.
One: The Creator of all living things gives us life!
All: Together, let us sing God’s praises!

*HYMN – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – #10

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is your health and salvation!
All ye who hear; now to His temple draw near,
Join me in glad adoration.

Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth;
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen How thy desires e’er have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?

Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;
Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
If with his love He befriend thee.

Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Almighty God, you are our health and salvation. We give you thanks, Gracious God, for the multitude of ways that you bless our lives:
the beauty of your creation;
the love offered by other people;
the hope given by your promises;
the ‘free gift’ of new life;
the deliverance provided by your grace!
Come now, O Holy Spirit. Breathe on us anew, so that we may dream your dreams and embrace your vision for all that this world can be. Through this time of worship, draw us into a deeper relationship with you, Dear God. Bring us closer to you. Lead us to live with an ever-growing love for you and for your magnificent universe! Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – Grace Alone – Insert

GOD’S WORD – Psalm 84:1-7

SPECIAL MUSIC – 10,000 Reasons – Redman

GOD’S WORD – Luke 18:9-14

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above – #26

Praise the Lord who reigns above And keeps His courts below;
Praise the holy God of love, and all His greatness show.
Praise Him for His noble deeds, praise Him for His matchless pow’r;
Him from whom all good proceeds let earth and heaven adore.

Celebrate th’eternal God with harp and psaltery;
Timbrels soft and cymbals loud in His high praise agree.
Praise Him, ev’ry tuneful string; all the reach of heav’nly art,
All the pow’rs of music bring, the music of the heart.

Him, in whom they move and live, let ev’ry creature sing,
Glory to their Maker give, and homage to their King.
Hallowed be His name beneath, as in heav’n, on earth adored;
praise the Lord in ev’ry breath, let all things praise the Lord!


*POSTLUDE – Fughetta – Muffat

Subscribe to the Ivy Chapel YouTube channel

We’re making a big move on March 6, bringing our livestreams to YouTube for better quality and accessibility. We’re debuting a new camera and new audio system, too.

Please help us out by subscribing to our YouTube channel:

In return, you’ll receive notifications anytime we go live.

No matter how you join us tomorrow, in person or on the livestream, things will be a little different.

This will be the first time in almost a year we’ve had people in the sanctuary for worship! It is an exciting time. The experience will still be very different from “normal,” but we hope it is an enriching experience for all who are here.For those of you joining us on the livestream, you will notice improved video and sound.

We’re making the transition to the new system tomorrow.While it will be better, we can’t guarantee there won’t be hiccups. Please be patient with us as there’s quite a learning curve to get this all running smoothly, and you never know how it’s going to go until you’re “Live.

Please comment on this post or reach out to Rich Heend if you have any questions.

Nov. 1 Livestream – Totenfest

Today, on All Saint’s Day, we pause to remember those we have lost in the last year. Join us for prayers and a celebration of life.

As is our custom here at Ivy Chapel, we start each worship with announcements. Here’s what’s going on this week.

Prelude / Anna diVesta

Responsive Call to Worship/ Pastor Dan Wilson
One: What a joy! What a comfort to know Loving God hears our borning cry
and Loving God sees our lives unfold.
All: We marvel at the unending grace of God!
One: We praise the One who is with us every moment of our lives!
All: Let us worship Christ our Savior!

Prayer of Invocation / Pastor Dan
One: I invite you to bow with me, and let us pray together.
All: God of wonder, God of grace; let your Spirit fill our souls. Remind us this day that you are the Creator of all life. Through terrors of night, among arrows flying by day; we need to sense your power,… your guidance,… your higher purpose.
Living God, we gather to praise you. We are grateful for any earthly glimpse of eternity which you give us. All that we already have received whets our appetite for more. And so it is that we come now seeking still more glimpses of you, O Holy One. Who knows? Maybe your closeness to us will be revealed through the breaking of bread or the filling of a cup.
On this Sabbath day, lead us away from this world’s distractions, we pray. Draw us toward a clearer vision of who you are, Faithful God. This will help us to see more clearly who you would like us to be.
Eternal Savior; in every age, you call people to follow you and to love you. It is you, Living God, who we were raised to praise! To you, we now belong! Amen!

Hymn / “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry“ worship booklet, pp. 54-55

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry

  1. I was there to hear your borning cry, I’ll be there when you are old.
    I rejoiced the day you were baptized, to see your life unfold.
  2. I was there when you were but a child, with a faith to suit you well;
    in a blaze of light you wandered off to find where demons dwell.
  3. When you heard the wonder of the word I was there to cheer you on;
    you were raised to praise the living God, to whom you now belong.
  4. If you find someone to share your time and you join your hearts as one,
    I’ll be there to make your verses rhyme from dusk till rising sun.
  5. In the middle ages of your life, not too old, no longer young,
    I’ll be there to guide you through the night, complete what I’ve begun.
  6. When the evening gently closes in and you shut your weary eyes,
    I’ll be there as I have always been with just one more surprise.
  7. I was there to hear your borning cry, I’ll be there when you are old.
    I rejoiced the day you were baptized, to see your life unfold.

Children’s Message / Sarah Heend

Totenfest All Saints’ Day Thanksgiving for Loved Ones / Pastor Dan

Prayers of the Church concluding with the Lord’s Praye r/ Pastor Dan

Special Music / “Come to Jesus” Anna

Scripture Reading / Pastor Dan Matthew 23:1-12

Sermon / Pastor Dan

Celebrating Communion / Pastor Dan

Hymn / “We Are a New Creation” worship booklet, p. 91

We Are a New Creation

  1. We are a new creation Of Christ, the living Word,
    Our songs of jubilation Shall everywhere be heard.
    New life blooms fresh and glorious For those who heed the call
    Of Christ, who reigns victorious O’er sin and death and all.
  2. We are a new creation Of God for this new day.
    As partners let us follow The life, the truth, the way.
    Christ bids us work to gather As colleagues, old and young,
    As women, men, and nations, God’s folk of every tongue.
  3. We are a new creation For service here on earth.
    We live our faith in action To tell our Savior’s worth.
    Let love and justice blending Now show for all to see
    God’s grace is never ending It reaches you and me.
  4. We are a new creation By God’s own gracious hand,
    Old burdens cast behind us, A daring future planned.
    In ministry and mission, United let us live,
    In Christ a shining vision To God’s wide world to give.

Benediction / Pastor Dan

Postlude / Anna

September 13 Livestream

Thank you for joining us this week. We have made some adjustments to our video and audio. Please let us know in the comments how we are doing.

This week’s order for worship:

Prelude/ Anna

Invocation (Responsive Call to Worship; and Unison Prayer) / Dan

Hymn/ “Think About His Love” (worship booklet, p. 87)

Think About His Love

Think about His love, think about His goodness. Think about His grace that’s bro’t us through.
For as high as the heavens above, so great is the measure of our Father’s love.
Great is the measure of our Father’s love.

Children’s Message/ Linda

Special Music/ Anna

Scripture Reading/Dan Matthew 18:21-35

Sermon/Prayer/ Dan

Hymn/ “I Then Shall Live” (#133)

I Then Shall Live

  1. I then shall live as one who’s been forgiven; I’ll walk with joy to know my debts are paid.
    I know my name is clear before my Father; I am His child, and I am not afraid.
    So greatly pardoned, I’ll forgive my brother; The law of lover I gladly will obey.
  2. I then shall live as one who’s learned compassion; I’ve been so loved that I’ll risk loving, too.
    I know how fear builds walls instead of bridges; I dare to see another’s poinot of view.
    And when relationships demand commitment, Then I’ll be there to care and follow through.
  3. Your kingdom come around and thru and in me, Your pow’r and glory, let them shine thru me;
    Your pow’r and glory, let them shine thru me; Your Hallowed Name, O may I bear with honor,
    And may Your living Kingdom come in me.
    The Bread of Life, O may I share with honor, And may you fee a hungry world thru me.

Benediction/ Dan

Postlude/ Anna