March 28 Virtual Worship – Palm Sunday

Join us to hear to hear the good word! Jesus is near! Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest! Raise and wave your palms!

Here is today’s order for worship:


PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

*CALL TO WORSHIP (adapted Isaiah 50:4-9) – Pastor Dan
One: Come to worship! Come; join in this chorus of Hosannas!
All: Come to let your tongue shout God’s praises!
One: Come to find your voice.
All: Come to hear the response.
One: Come to open your ears.
All: Come to listen.
One: Come to be healed by the silence.
All: Come to stand together.
One: Come to experience what words cannot express!
All: Come to find God.

HYMN – Make Way – worship booklet, p. 69

  1. Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendor arrives.
    Fling wide the gates and welcome him into your lives.

Make way, make way for the King of kings.
Make way, make way and let his kingdom in.

  1. He comes the broken hearts to heal the prisoners to free.
    The deaf shall hear, the lame shall dance, the blind shall see.


  1. And those who mourn with heavy hearts, who weep and sigh;
    with laughter, joy and royal crown he’ll beautify.


  1. We call you now to worship him as Lord of all,
    to have no gods before him – their thrones must fall.

God of exceptional moments; this morning, we recall the electric celebration of people enthusiastically welcoming Jesus along the road to Jerusalem. What a moment! We can imagine ourselves swept up in the party atmosphere of that lively parade! We can feel your great power! We want to cut loose ourselves in ways that faithfully offer you praise! Your holy love reaches out and blesses everyone. Come close now. Ride down Kingshighway here in our fair city, Jesus. Enter Metro St. Louis this day. Hosanna! Come on, Jesus! We choose you to be the grand marshal of our next big parade. Save us, we beg you. Hosanna in the highest! Amen.

PRAISE RESPONSE – In the Name of the Lord – #19

  1. Ride on, ride on, O Savior King, To set the sinner free!
    To sin cursed souls salvation bring And peace eternally!
    Ride on to dark Gethsemane, To untold agony,
    And on the cross of Calvary Procure our victory!
  2. Ride on, ride on, O Savior King, To claim the hearts of men!
    Now death has lost its dreadful sting And hope is born again.
    O come, in human hearts to reign Suppress the pow’r of sin!
    Our own endeavor is in vain; Lord, You must help us win!
  3. Ride on, ride on, O Savior King! Ride on o’er land and sea,
    For You alone to man can bring Eternal liberty.
    Ride on to sinbound nations, Lord, Until each heart shall own
    Your saving, sanctifying word and bow before Your throne!

There is strength in the name of the Lord;
There is pow’r in the name of the Lord;
There is hope in the name of the lLord!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.


GOD’S WORD – Psalm 118:1, 21-29 – Pastor Dan

SPECIAL MUSIC – Holy City – Marsha Fix, Vocalist

GOD’S WORD – Mark 11:1-11 – Pastor Dan

SERMON – Pastor Dan

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH – Pastor Dan – Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

HYMN – Ride On, Ride On, O Savior King – #236


POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta

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