Feb. 17 Livestream – Ash Wednesday

Join us as we begin the Lenten journey together.

Prelude – Anna DiVesta

Call to Worship and Prayer of Invocation – Pastor Dan
One: Turn away from evil; and return to your God.
All: God is gracious and merciful;
One: God is slow to anger,
All: And abounding in steadfast love.
One: “Now,” says the Holy One, “return to me with all your heart.”
All: Be still; and know that I am God.
One: Let us pray.
All: God of wisdom and grace; you are the reservoir from whom all people receive life.
We come this night seeking to return to you, O God.
Bless this Ash Wednesday worship; we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hymn – Jesus, I Come – #369

Responsive Call to Confession – Pastor Dan
One: Holy God, Maker of all;
All: Jesus Christ, Savior of all;
One: Holy Spirit, breath of life;
All: Have mercy on us. Let us confess our sins.

Prayer of Confession – Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: God of wisdom and grace; you are acquainted with all our ways.
As we take this first step on a crucial Lenten spiritual journey, we turn to you in prayer. Come, O Holy Spirit; in your cleansing power, breathe on us and fill us with life anew. God of forgiveness and grace, we confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and action. We admit that we have failed to live by your Gospel of joy and lovingkindness. Forgive us, we pray.
Lead us to honor you, Jesus, by walking in your way of goodness and compassion. We call on you now, Dear Savior, asking for these blessings:
mend us, fill us,
send us, use us.
This we pray in your holy name, Christ Jesus. Amen.


Assurance of Pardon – Pastor Dan
We are tempted often to hold on to the past.
But God calls us to leave it behind.

By the grace of our Risen Savior, the past is dead and gone.
The future is open! Let us live in the freedom which God offers.

Through our Savior Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen!

Response – Change My Heart, O God – worship booklet, p. 33

Scripture Reading – Joel 2:1-5, 10, 12-13 – Pastor Dan

The Imposition of Ashes – Pastor Dan

Special Music– The Old Rugged Cross – Anna DiVesta and Aaron DiVesta

Scripture Reading – Psalm 51:1-4, 6-12 – Pastor Dan

The Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors) – Pastor Dan

Hymn – More Love to Thee – #428

Benediction – Pastor Dan

Postlude – Anna DiVesta

Ivy reaches out during Lent

February 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Giving is Christian outreach “Ivy-style”! Our congregation is responding to multiple offering invitations this Lenten Season. We give God glory for the many, additional ways in which people of Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ are reaching out beyond our church.

Rejoice over this extensive array of things our congregation has done and is doing this Lent: supporting World Vision in connection with Ivy Youth 30-Hour Famine; Lenten canned food drive which will go to three local food pantries; supporting Shannondale, a mission project with the Missouri Mid-south Conference of the UCC with its craft center, lodge for retreats and outdoor programs; supporting Baby Blue Pantry (operating through Wee Care Learning Center of Festus, providing money for baby diapers and formula for families in need); and supporting ecumenical, global ministries by offering gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (all donations accepted through Easter).
Praise God for Ivy’s faithful responses to these invitations to give!

Please send us an email to learn more about the organizations we support, or if you would like to learn how you can help.

Let’s Worship Together During Holy Week 2017

March 22, 2017 by  
Filed under What's happening

Join us here at Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ as we worship during Holy Week 2017.

Maundy Thursday, April 13     7:30 PM  worship

Good Friday, April 14                 7:30 PM  worship

Easter Sunday, April 16            6:30 AM  sunrise worship

Easter Sunday, April 16           10 AM  worship

Immediately following Easter Sunrise Worship, there will be refreshments for all in Fellowship Hall.

For more information about our Lenten worship services, get in touch with us.

Ivy Reaches Out During Lent

Giving is Christian outreach “Ivy-style”!  Amen!   Our congregation is responding to multiple offering invitations this Lenten Season.  We give God glory for the many, additional ways in which people of Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ are reaching out beyond our church.

Rejoice over this extensive array of things our congregation has done and is doing this Lent:  offering new underwear and new socks; supporting World Vision in connection with Ivy Youth 30-Hour Famine; supporting Creve Coeur Meals on Wheels; supporting Baby Blue Pantry (operating through Wee Care Learning Center of Festus); intentional Lenten canned Food Drive; supporting ecumenical, global ministries by offering gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

Praise God for Ivy’s faithful responses to these invitations to give!

Want to get involved? Need more information on how Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ is working in the community? Drop us a line and we’ll fill you in on our work.

The Lenten Season begins March 1

February 27, 2017 by  
Filed under What's happening

6 PM Soup and Bread Supper  -  Ash Wednesday, March 1

We are fortunate to have this very symbolic opportunity to begin the Lenten Season together.  We will break bread together in Fellowship Hall at 6 PM.

7:30 PM WORSHIP  -  Ash Wednesday, March 1

We will embark on the Lenten Season together in worship at 7:30 PM on Ash Wednesday, March 1.  This service will include the Imposition of Ashes and the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

UCC Lenten Series Bible Study

February 6, 2015 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

You’re invited to Ivy Chapel UCC, 620 N. Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO, this Lent. Beginning Feb. 22, join us at 9 a.m. Sunday for a new video series as part of our Adult Bible Study.

Each Sunday during the Lenten Season, we will watch one segment of the series “animate PRACTICES.” We look forward to viewing and discussing these thought-provoking videos on a variety of meaningful topics, including community, food, money, worship and sacraments. Come, take part in enriching faith conversation each Sunday this Lent.

Questions? Send us an email or call the church office at 314-434-4991.

Join us on a Lenten Journey

March 24, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

We hope you will take time this year to pause and reflect with us on the journey toward Easter. We have Lenten resources available for children, teens and adults so everyone can truly understand the importance of this time in the church year.

For the first time, we are also opening several special experiences, usually reserved for our confirmation classes, up to a wider audience.

We hope you will join us in exploring your faith at the following special events:

Lenten “Spirit” journey:

Wed. March 16 (11:00 AM to 12 noon at Ivy Chape UCC) “Preparing for a Spiritual Walk”

Wed. March 23 (11 AM at Mercy Center, 2039 Geyer Road) “Walking the Labyrinth”

Sunday, April 3 (noon at Ivy Chapel UCC) “Bread Baking”

If you are interested in any of the above, please send us an e-mail or call (314) 434-4991.

In addition, following is a schedule of our Lenten and Holy Week services:

Ash Wednesday March 9th – “Sanctuary of Prayer” 6 AM – 5:30 PM

Soup & Bread meal at 6:00 PM

Worship at 7:30 PM

Holy Week Worship at Ivy Chapel UCC:

April 17 Palm Sunday 10 AM Worship

April 21 Maundy Thursday 7:30 PM Worship

April 22 Good Friday 7:30 PM Worship

April 24 Easter Sunrise Worship 6:30 AM

Easter Sunday Worship 10 AM

Holy Week Services at Ivy Chapel

March 17, 2010 by  
Filed under What's happening

Join us as we celebrate the coming miracle of Easter. Following is Ivy’s Holy Week schedule:

Maundy Thursday: Thursday, April 1 at 7:30:  This is the evening of the Last Supper. There is a place at the table for everyone.

Good Friday: Friday, April 2 at 7:30: Worship at the foot of Christ’s Cross for one of the most powerful and meaningful services of the year.

Easter Sunday: Sunday, April 4

6:30 a.m. Sunrise Worship at Ivy: Join Rev. Dale Bartels from St. John’s UCC for a celebratory worship in Ivy’s sanctuary.

10 a.m. Resurrection Day worship at Ivy, with Holy Communion (all are welcome to participate)

Journey toward the Miracle of Easter

February 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

From the United Church of Christ…
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent—a season of self-examination, prayer, fasting and works of love. In many churches, ashes are placed on the forehead as a reminder of mortality.

The word “Lent” is from the Middle English verb meaning “to lengthen.” In the Northern Hemisphere, the season corresponds with the lengthening of days during late winter and early spring.

During Lent, Christians prepare themselves spiritually for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. The season spans 40 days: the number 40 symbolizes spiritual journeys home, corresponding to the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert in preparation for his ministry and the 40 years Israel journeyed through the wilderness towards the promised land. The traditional color of Lent is purple. During Holy Week, red is sometimes worn to symbolize the blood shed by Jesus for the salvation of humanity. In some traditions, following Maundy Thursday’s service, the sanctuary is stripped of color and ornament as a gesture which may suggest keeping vigil with Christ on the cross and in the tomb.

For more information about the journey toward the Miracle of Easter, and for information about how to make your own journey, visit the United Church of Christ’s Lent website.

Begin the Lenten journey at Ivy Chapel

February 16, 2010 by  
Filed under What's happening

The Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday on February 17th. The Lenten devotional booklet “Where In The World Is God?”, written for the 21st Century sinner, will be available on a table in the Narthex. With the Prayer Vigil we begin our 40-day ‘walk’ of spiritual examination to Easter.

Time line of events:
•The day starts with an all-day Prayer Vigil in the sanctuary from 6am to 5:30pm.
(Half-hour timeslots–7:30am through 9:30am, 11:30am through 1:30pm and 2:30pm through 5:30pm)

•At 6pm we will break bread together in Fellowship Hall. Our meal will be a simple supper prior to worship.
(You can still bring a soup even if you didn’t get to put your name on the bright green Sign-up sheet)

•Beginning at 7:30pm, Ivy Chapel will conclude the day with a worship service in the sanctuary.