The Souper Bowl of Caring
February 7, 2021 by Rich
Filed under Featured, Livestream Links and Order for Worship, What's happening
This year is different for many reasons. But, one thing that is the same: the need to tackle hunger with the Souper Bowl of Caring. This year, the need for hunger relief in our country has grown exponentially. Our local food charities need our help!
You can watch the Feb. 7 worship service here.
While we can’t place our donations in soup pots after worship as is our tradition, there are several ways to help those in need this year. You can send donations to Ivy’s financial secretary, Peter LaSalle. Please make checks out to Ivy Chapel and write Souper Bowl of Caring on the memo line.
Or donate directly to the food pantries most in need. Souper Bowl of Caring started their Tackle Hunger Map to respond to this urgent need. The Tackle Hunger Map allows you to see where local food charities are and what they need to do their important work. You can donate right through the map and be a part of the tradition of using the energy of the Big Game to tackle hunger.
What if everyone watching the Big Game gave just one dollar to local charities? What if each person gave what they could to local charities? We would have a lot less food insecurity in our country!
Thank you for helping make a collective impact on hunger!
Mark your Calendar: HarvestFest, November 2
August 16, 2013 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Ivy Chapel’s Annual HarvestFest is on this year thanks to a group of wonderful volunteers who have agreed to lead the project. Mark your calendar now for November 2. It’s an evening of wine and cheese, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, live music and more – all right here at Ivy Chapel. Proceeds from the evening and the silent and oral auctions will benefit local food pantries and other Ivy Chapel outreach programs. Watch this space for more details! For more details, send us an email and we’ll fill you in.