November 27 – Hope, the first Sunday of Advent

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ! For all of those near and far, we wish you the brightest of wishes on this long, peaceful holiday weekend. Today, with an abundance of Hope, the Advent Season begins. This is a time of preparation for the coming birth of God’s Messiah. All are welcome to join us on the journey to the Birth of Christ.


PRELUDE – The Rose – Young

One: In the wilderness, blaze a trail for God.
All: Every valley shall be raised up.
One: Every mountain shall be made low.
All: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed among us.

O Come, All Ye Faithful (verses 1 and 3) – #188

O come, all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant!
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come and behold Him,
born the King of angels.

O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord!

Sing, choirs of angels,
sing in exultation,
O sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!
Glory to God, all glory in the highest.


What Child Is This? (verses 1 and 2) – #202

What child is this, who, laid to rest
On Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
Haste, haste to bring him laud
The babe, the son of Mary

Why lies He in such mean estate
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear; for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.


Angels from the Realms of Glory (verses 1 and 2) – #207

Angels from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation’s story
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth:

Come and worship, come and worship,
Worship Christ, the newborn king.

Shepherds, in the field abiding,
Watching o’er your flocks by night,
God with man is now residing;
Yonder shines the infant Light: [Refrain]

Ever-present God, your promises are being fulfilled among us moment by moment. At this time of year, as the daytime hours grow shorter and the shadows lengthen, we treasure daylight.
God of Light, help us to turn away from unhealthy influences and to turn toward you as we begin this Advent Season. Fill us with fresh expectation. Teach us again that this season is a time to watch, not for things that have already happened, but for exciting, new things that have not yet taken place. Come, Christ Jesus. This world greatly needs you. Help us to watch closely and to remain ready for the next holy moment when you will be born. Amen.


*RESPONSE – Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming (verse 1) – #196

Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
From tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse’s lineage coming
As men of old have sung.
It came, a floweret bright,
Amid the cold of winter
When half-spent was the night.


GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 2:1-5

CONFERENCE ANNUAL GATHERING, Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ –Rod Hertenstein

SPECIAL MUSIC – There’s a Star in the East – arr. Hassell

GOD’S WORD – Matthew 11:2-10

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Live Into Hope – worship booklet, p. 65

Live into hope of captives freed,
Of sight regained, the end of greed.
Th’ oppressed shall be the first to see
The year of God’s own jubilee!

Live into hope! The blind shall see
With insight and with clarity,
Removing shades of pride and fear,
A vision of our God brought near.

Live into hope of liberty,
The right to speak, the right to be,
The right to have one’s daily bread,
To hear God’s word and thus be fed.

Live into hope of captives freed,
From chains of fear or want or greed.
God now proclaims our full release
To faith and hope and joy and peace.


*POSTLUDE – Noel, Grand Jeu et duo – Daquin