Now Hiring: Minister of Music

September 3, 2021 by  
Filed under What's happening

Music is a huge part of worship here at Ivy Chapel. We’re looking for an experienced leader to lead our music program.

Reports to: Board of Deacons
Hours: 20 hours per week, including some evenings

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Provide music for all regular Sunday morning services of worship (prelude, hymns, special music, postlude, etc.)
• Provide music for additional services of worship (i.e. Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, and Thanksgiving)
• Work with the Pastor in the planning of all worship services to assure theological integrity and coordinate with the liturgy and worship themes
• Direct the Chancel Choir, including programming music as well as rehearsing, accompanying, and directing the choir (the Chancel Choir typically sings September through June, but is not singing at the moment due to COVID)
•Participate in the Youth Music Ministry and direct the Youth Choir (currently not active)
• Secure a substitute organist for agreed upon vacation periods and for any times of sickness or pre-arranged leaves of absence
• Arrange regular maintenance of and have authority over all church owned musical instruments and equipment
Obtain copyright licenses yearly

• Piano and organ skills
• BA in Music or experience in comparable positions
• Choir directing experience preferred

• 21 years of age or older
• Must pass a personal background check

• Two weeks of vacation annually, to be increased to three weeks after three years of service and four weeks after six years of service (such vacations shall not coincide with the Pastor’s vacation if at all possible)
• Continuing education opportunities as outlined by and negotiated with the Board of Deacons
• The opportunity to play for weddings and funerals at Ivy Chapel at additional compensation
• May use church facilities for private lessons and studio recitals

Send a cover letter and resume to:

Now Hiring: Youth Ministry Coordinator

August 10, 2021 by  
Filed under What's happening

As we continue to work toward the “next normal,” we’re hiring for a Youth Ministry Coordinator to lead programs for our young people. Please send your resume, cover letter, and a list of three references to

Job Title: Youth Ministry Coordinator
Reports to: Board of Christian Education and Pastor
Hours: Part-time (20 hours per week, including some evenings)
Effective Start Date: Immediately

Job Description: The Youth Ministry Coordinator at Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ will create opportunities for all ages of youth to develop their faith and build connections within the church. The successful candidate will develop and lead a growing youth program. This person also will work with the worship team to plan a cohesive Sunday worship experience.

Essential Responsibilities Include:
Youth Groups
Coordinate local church and wider church youth activities.
Work with families of youth to develop an activities calendar each year.
Make arrangements for summer mission trips.
Co-lead Confirmation with the Pastor.
Worship Services
Present and/or schedule children’s messages during Sunday morning worship.
Lead children’s worship activities on the first Sunday of each month.
Coordinate children’s Christmas Program and Youth Sunday.
Facilitate youth participation in worship, such as serving as acolytes, lay liturgists, musicians, etc.
Communication and Reporting Duties
Provide communication between the youth groups and the congregation through notices in the Sunday bulletin and the monthly Ivy Vine newsletter.
Keep accurate records of all youth program funds.
Provide a monthly written report to the church council.
Christian Education Board Involvement
Participate in all Christian Education Board Meetings.
Work with the board to provide Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and other congregational education programs.

Experience working with children, youth ministry, or within other related fields.
Displays strong administrative, planning, organizational, and communication skills.
Ability to work both independently and cooperatively.
Possesses creativity to develop innovative programming.
Familiarity with the United Church of Christ theology.
Affirming of all people, including support of LGBTQ+ community.

21 years of age or older.
Must pass a personal background check.

Application: Please send your resume, cover letter, and a list of three references to