Dec. 6 Livestream – Second Sunday of Advent
December 6, 2020 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
On this second Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of hope. As we also celebrate communion together, may you find the hope and peace you need in this season of anticipation.
Responsive Call to Worship/ Pastor Dan
One: God Most High is alive today!
All: Jesus Christ loves all people.
One: God is great!
All: And greatly to be praised!
One: Over and over, we are amazed by God!
All: God is alive this moment.
One: The God of all life; the Holy One – is closer than our next breath.
All: Let us worship God together.
Hymn/ “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel†#186
Prayer of Invocation / Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: God of the living; you promise to be with your people, and you faithfully fulfill this promise! Long ago, you sent your Spirit to live among us, guiding your creation toward a hope-filled future. We join together in worship seeking your truth and your promise for our day.
O God of hope eternal, you are with us now. Help us to sense your presence and to cherish your companionship. May we receive you and serve you. Come; fulfill within us your holy purposes. We pray in your name, Christ Jesus. Amen.
Lighting the Advent Wreath / Pastor Dan
The Candle of Hope
Response “When God Is a Child†p. 95, worship booklet
Verse 1 ONLY
Children’s Message / Liz Schurwan
Special Music / “Bring Us Hopeâ€
Scripture Reading / Pastor Dan Mark 1:1-8 and Isaiah 40:1-11
Sermon / Pastor Dan
Prayers of the People/ The Lord’s Prayer/ Holy Communion/ Pastor Dan
Hymn/ “You Are the Light†p. 100, worship booklet
Benediction / Pastor Dan
Postlude / Anna DiVesta