October 15 – Consecration Sunday

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ.
God is guiding us and God will continue guiding us on our life-long journey as growing givers. May today’s worship inspire each one here to become a living channel of God’s abundant love. You are a vital part of Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ. Because of You, God’s Church Changes Lives!

Everyone is invited to a Consecration Celebration in Fellowship Hall following worship.


PRELUDE – How Firm a Foundation

One: God’s blessings are plentiful!
All: Rejoice! God knows what God is doing.
One: You and I are being invited to follow ‘The Way of Jesus.’
All: Each moment, Christ is calling us to ministry.
One: Christ teaches, “Give my people something to eat.”
All: “Why don’t you feed them, Jesus?”
One: Christ commands, “Give them something yourselves.”
All: “But we don’t have enough!”
One: Christ assures, “Yes, you do.”
All: “How far can a few measly loaves and fish go?”
One: “Give it a try. With God, there is always more than enough.”
All: God’s blessings are plentiful!

*HYMN – Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above – #45

Sing praise to God who reigns above,
the God of all creation,
the God of power, the God of love,
the God of our salvation;
with healing balm my soul he fills,
and every faithless murmur stills:
o God all praise and glory.

What God’s almighty power hath made,
his gracious mercy keepeth;
by morning glow or evening shade
his watchful eye ne’er sleepeth.
Within the kingdom of his might,
lo! all is just and all is right:
to God all praise and glory

The Lord is never far away,
But through all grief distressing
An ever present help and stay
Our peace, and joy, and blessing;
As with a mother’s tender hand,
He leads His one, HIs chosen band:
To God all praise and glory.

Then all my gladsome way along
I sing aloud thy praises,
that men may hear the grateful song
my voice unwearied raises:
be joyful in the Lord, my heart!
Both soul and body bear your part!
To God all praise and glory.

God of abundant grace; we worship you with joy. You offer love and life eternal to all people. What amazing gifts these are!
Master, you are Living Water who restores our souls. We are humbled that you have chosen us and called us friends. You are with each one of us in every personal situation that we are facing.
Risen Savior, we are grateful; and we are here this day to lift our praises to you! Amen.

*RESPONSE – Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart – worship booklet, p. 42

Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He’s given
Jesus Christ His Son.

Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He’s given
Jesus Christ His Son.

And now let the weak say “I am strong”
Let the poor say “I am rich”
Because of what the Lord has done for us.

And now let the weak say “I am strong”
Let the poor say “I am rich”
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks, give thanks.



GOD’S WORD – Psalm 57:1-3, 9-11

SPECIAL MUSIC – I Surrender All

GOD’S WORD – Mark 1:21, 29, 32-42 & Mark 5:24-30, 32-34

SERMON – Because of You, God’s Church Changes Lives! – Pastor Dan

*HYMN – We Give Thee but Thine Own (Verses 1 &2) – #622
We give Thee but Thine own,
Whate’er the gift may be:
All that we have is Thine alone,
A trust, O Lord, from Thee.
May we Thy bounties thus
As stewards true receive,
And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
To Thee our first-fruits give.

‘Always-Giving-Extra’ God, you extend to each of us a sacred invitation to become one of your disciples. What an amazing offer! ‘The Way that leads to Life’ can be narrow and difficult. Yet all things are possible with you.
We receive so much from you, Jesus. You are the One who generously blesses with ‘living water!’ Your life is our model for climbing higher; going farther; giving joyfully; loving beyond limit! May we receive the Spirit of love which you offer, and may we respond by giving with ‘joy beyond measure!’ Amen.

We offer God our expressions of intended giving, asking God to consecrate them. All are invited to offer God your commitment supporting Christ’s ministries at Ivy Chapel UCC by placing your 2024 Estimate of Giving Card in the designated offering basket during singing of the final hymn. Be exalted, O God! Let your glory be over all the earth!

*CONSECRATION HYMN – Amazing Grace – #299

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see

‘Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear,
And Grace, my fears relieved;
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed!

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
We have already come;
‘Tis Grace that brought us safe thus far,
And Grace will lead us home.

When we’ve been there then thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we first begun.


*POSTLUDE – The Pipers – Dandrieu