Record turnout for Blessing of the Animals!

September 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Thanks to everyone who brought their furry (or shelled) friends to the 11th annual Blessing of the Animals at Ivy Chapel. We had a record turnout this year, despite the weather. And an extra-special thank you to everyone who made donations the Bi-State Pet Food Pantry. The food and funds will go a long way to helping struggling local families keep their pets in these tough economic times.

[flickr album=72157627515776727 num=85 size=Thumbnail]

TIME UPDATED: Let’s break bread together

September 9, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

Calling anyone who wants to play in the kitchen, learn a new skill and sample some freshly baked bread. On Saturday, October 1, from 9:30 am to 12 we will gather at the Heend’s house to bake bread for World Communion Sunday. We will make three different breads in the traditions of three different cultures: German Dark Rye, Middle Eastern Flatbread and one more (yet to be determined). Email Sarah Heend or call 314-878-2006 if you are interested or have any questions. This is a multi-generational activity–all ages welcome. No prior baking experience necessary.

“Adopt” a new idea for fall…

September 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Chris Adams, director of volunteers for Emmaus Homes, gave a brief presentation about EH during worship at Ivy Chapel  on Aug. 28.  A concept she’s developed to give more people opportunities to interact with Emmaus clients involves ‘adoption’ of an Emmaus community home.

Chris is looking for families or congregations to serve as pilots for this new idea that partners groups with Emmaus community residences.  Given our existing relationship with Ross House residents, who regularly attend worship (and always enjoy coffee hour and the picnic), this initiative seems like a natural fit with Ivy Chapel.  The goal is to provide diverse voluntary opportunities for Ivy members, depending on interests and comfort level.  Some involvement may be with the house grounds; other engagements may be one-on-one with residents; others may just be simple extensions of activities we already do–like adding Ross House to the sites where youth Christmas carol.

Nancy Litzinger is recruiting members to work with Chris Adams and the Ross House manager to identify needs and set parameters for the project.  If you’re interested in helping lay the groundwork for this pilot partnership, contact Nancy: 314-434-4162;

Blessing of the Animals, Sep. 10

September 5, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

One of the highlights of the fall at Ivy Chapel is the Blessing of the Animals. This is our tenth year of welcoming all of God’s creatures to our beautiful grounds.

Join us on Sept. 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. … and bring your pet for a special, personalized blessing.

Each year we team up with an animal-related charity. This year we are proud to work with the Bi-State Pet Food Pantry, a St. Louis-based volunteer organization  whose mission is to keep animals with their “people” during difficult financial times by providing emergency assistance with pet food, litter and other necessities.

We will be accepting donations at the Blessing of the Animals for the pet food pantry. Their most needed items include:

  • dry dog/cat food* any size
  • canned cat/dog food, dog/cat treats
  • cat litter
  • ziploc 1 and 2 gallon re-sealable bags
  • gift cards to gas stations, Target, PetSmart® or Sam’s Club®, or cash donations.

*please ensure meat is the first ingredient as corn is tough on tummies.

For more information on the food pantry, visit:

What if… We imagined the possibilities?

July 17, 2011 by  
Filed under What If? blog

Thanks to Judy Hertenstein, who recently presented her own “What if” moment during worship.

Imagine What’s Possible! That was the theme for the Missouri Mid South Annual Gathering last weekend. There were a multitude of What If ideas presented from the “imagine a New World” where we are all One to individual ideas. As religion has been used as an excuse for war, we need to recognize our unity and to become One body in Christ. We can share diverse gifts and talents in the common cause of serving in the name of God. What if we looked at everyone out of love? Not only those in our family or close friends but also the stranger on the street, even the drug addict, the convict…they are all children of God. What If we reached out to each other intentionally? There are many who lack Hope because of their situations…unemployment, health issues, financial worries, grieving, family dysfunction, and others. What If we really listened to what others have to say not just with our ears but with our hearts also? What If we reached out to each other with the real desire to understand each other and a willingness to work together? Giving Hope improves relationships. With LOVE and HOPE, JOY can follow as we serve Christ as ONE body. Imagine What’s Possible!

What If each Sunday we really heard the story again as if hearing it for the first time? We need to really listen, not only with our ears but with our heart. And not only on Sunday, but in our daily prayer and Bible reading, really listen for what God is saying to us. We may hear God’s plan for us. We need to realize that God’s plan is not always our plan…deep listening may give us a better picture. Imagine What’s Possible!

As we are looking at growing the vine together, we are in fact growing in numbers. We will be welcoming new members on July 24. This is good, but that is not the only way we can grow. What If on Rally Day we all wore something green or something with Ivy, not just the word, but perhaps a picture? And here’s a novel idea, What If some other Sunday we all wore hats? These are just other fun ways to say we are a family. Let’s become a true community of Christ…every member contributing unique gifts and using those gifts for the work of Christ. All things are possible through Christ. Imagine What’s Possible!

The Conference Annual Gathering was a wonderful event. Of course there’s the business of the Conference—including the annual budget proposal. The deficit is finally becoming manageable due to some restructuring, sound investing and local church support through OCWM. Then there is the good food and fellowship. It is like a yearly family reunion with members of all UCC churches across the conference reconnecting, sharing, praying, singing and playing together. I even got to play pinochle with Jeff Whitman, our Conference Minister and with a classmate from 40 years ago. What If a group of us went to the Conference Annual Gathering next year? Everyone is welcoming and caring. Imagine What’s Possible!

Other What Ifs dealt with local church…What If we changed our worship service to be less predictable…more variety in music? What If we changed the rhythm and style of some well known hymns…not all the time but occasionally…a little jazz, a little gospel, a little rock and roll? We do some of this on special Sundays, like camp Sunday and Youth Sunday, but how about other times. What If we became a part of the Creative Faith Project? Think of all the ways art…in all its many forms…drama, painting, dance, handicrafts, music…can be a part of the worship experience. This would be another opportunity to revitalize Ivy Chapel. Imagine What’s Possible!

How do you unlock what’s possible? What’s your “what if”?

Youth Mission Trip this week

Ivy Chapel’s Alpha Omega youth group is headed on a mission trip this week!

Stop by here for updates and photos, or join the Alpha-Omega Facebook group.

We look forward to sharing the week with you!

What if… we recognized the Holy Spirit?

June 7, 2011 by  
Filed under What If? blog

Thanks to Ivy Chapel member Jo Ann Moody, who recently shared her “What if” reflection with the congregation during worship.

How many of you were here the cold Sunday morning in late January, when Dan announced Ivy Chapel was initiating a “Growing the Vine Together” theme and we planted sprigs of ivy in these two planters? I imagine there was some skepticism the plantings would grow, and the theme would catch-on. But here we are, it is early June and look what has been accomplished!

With careful tending and nurturing by Ivy members with gardening expertise, we continue to have ivy growing and thriving in these specially decorated pots. Perhaps one of these surviving vines is one you planted! Question is, who is the Gardener helping Ivy Chapel UCC to grow and strengthen our vines?

I suggest God’s Holy Spirit is among us, helping us find our roots and spread our shoots. The Holy Spirit is taking our “Growing the Vine Together” journey with us, nurturing our ideas and giving us strength to stretch and grow in ways we can only imagine.

Early in this process, I remember hearing a trustee say, “What if we grew enough ivy to cover Ivy Chapel’s big hill so it would not have to be mowed?” What an idea, that a few sprigs, planted on a cold Sunday in January, would survive and eventually grow to spread their beauty beyond these two pots, and provide a benefit far beyond today’s simple existence.

What if our ideas and actions coming from our “Growing the Vine Together” initiative creates new roots here at Ivy Chapel, and off-shoots in our community and elsewhere, that has far more reaching impact than envisioned today!

What if we accept God’s gift of Grace and fully invite the Holy Spirit to be a part of our own journey and Ivy Chapel’s journey? What if we used this journey to take our theme to another level, one where we “Love God; follow Christ; serve others.”

Imagine the possibilities!

What do you think? What can we do to grow?

Thanks for a great summer… and a great time at VBS!

June 5, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

It’s hard to believe summer is over… but we’re glad to welcome everyone back from vacation. It was an exciting, busy summer at Ivy Chapel… including our always-popular Vacation Bible School, which was held July 25-29.



God watches over you.God listens to you.  God loves you, no matter what. And God gives good gifts.

Unexpected guests invade picnic!

We invited local entertainer Serengeti Steve to our Spring picnic… and he brought along several of his pets, much to the delight of most at the picnic — and to the chagrin of the more skittish among us.

Thanks to Debbie Washburn for organizing the event, and for the whole crew of volunteers who made it a great event.

Check out photos in the album below:

[flickr album=72157626768398841 num=5 size=Thumbnail]

Youth Challenge: Collection for Joplin

May 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Our youth would like to challenge us with an invitation!  The Spirit of God is moving us to help others.  We are extremely blessed.  Let’s give!  We are gathering items to assist people in their continuing recovery from the devastating tornado in Joplin, Missouri.  Please bring what you can to Ivy Chapel UCC at our Church Picnic on Sunday, June 5th. Pastor Dan will take our gifts to our MMS UCC Conference Annual Gathering on June 10.

Needed items are listed below:

bottled water

ready to eat food (protein bars, beef jerky, individual portioned foods, etc.)

diabetic friendly food



lawn and garden bags

diabetic supplies (gauze, syringes, etc.) ;

five-gallon buckets;

scouring pads;


scrub brushes;

cleaning towels (reusable, like Easy Wipes®);

dry laundry detergent;

liquid concentrated household cleaner;

liquid disinfectant dish soap;

packages of clothespins

clothesline (two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.)

dust masks;

latex gloves (like Playtex®);

work gloves;

heavy-duty trash bags (30-45 gallon)

You can drop off your items starting immediately.  There are designated boxes in our church entryway.

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