2012 Update from Instituto El Rey

January 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

As you may know, members of Ivy Chapel proudly support Instituto El Rey, a school in Honduras, in a number of ways. We recently received this update from Earl and Sharon Washburn, the administrators of the school:
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,
2012 has only been a small ripple in time, a miniscule drop in eternity!  And yet it has been extremely significant in the on-going plan of God to reclaim His creation from the hand of the enemy.  The Bible says in Mathew 6: 10,   “…..May His kingdom come, and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Thus the powers of darkness shudder as the light comes crashing into La Cuenca del Congrejal, rending the darkness and sending it reeling, for the darkness cannot stand in the presence of the Light of God.  Light and darkness cannot co exist together. Always darkness has to flee when Light comes!
And so it is that the battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil are in mortal conflict in the spiritual realm over this area!  The forces of evil are being challenged and forced back, and Instituto El Rey is being used powerfully by God to reclaim His rightful place in the Cuenca del Congrejal  of Honduras, which itself is but a small, and rather unimportant nation among all the nations of the world.
As I sit here listening to Christmas carols, and I love Christmas carols! – I am reminded that Jesus, The Messiah, The Savior, was born in a manger in a place of humble surroundings – just as La Cuenca del Congrejal is a humble place.
Can it really be that anything of significance can be happening here?  Yes!
It is because of you – you who pray, you who give so faithfully, you who come to visit and to work.  Yes, it is because of YOU that IER can be God’s instrument to bring His light to shine and light the way so that young people can see the road to walk!  Thank you so much!
The last day of classes was 28 Oct – we began the year with 174 students  and finished with 170.
There are a number of reasons why IER has been so successful, and one of those reasons has to do with attendance.  This year over 70% of our students achieved perfect attendance!  Students like to be here in a good, safe environment.
Another reason is that fifty students, or 29%, achieved an A average for the 4thquarter.  For the entire year, about 1/3 or 33% achieved an A average.
There were many significant events during the year—let me just share one with you! In October there was a writing context that was open to participants from all the high schools in La Ceiba.  Isaac, who was in the 9th grade, represented IER!  At the time of the awards, Isaac was asked to stand in front with two others – I thought, “Is it possible that Isaac will get 1st place!”  And sure enough, he won the 1st place award!  We praise and thank God for what He is doing in the lives of our students.
We have 10 Honduran teachers that are paid a salary.  Ester, our Directora  or Principal, and Cesar, who teaches Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Science, have both been teaching at IER since the first day of classes on 19 Feb, 2001; Liliana teaches 9th grade math and is responsible for keeping the files on students and teachers, and putting together the multitude of reports that are required by the department of education;  Damaris teaches 7th and 8th grade math, accounting and business administration;  Nely teaches practical activities, art and music;  Milvia teaches Social Studies and Civics; Samuel teaches Spanish;  Daysi teaches 10th and 11th grade math and 9th grade science;  and Joseph and Dennis teach the computer classes.  All of our Honduran teachers have been teaching at IER for 5 years or more!  Cindy and Wendy and Sharon, all  volunteers, taught  English and other classes.  We are so grateful to God for all of our teachers!  They are all excellent!On December 30 we were leaving the parking lot of the church in La Ceiba when a member of the church made a great effort to stop us and make a commentary.  This man is a prominent businessman that we have known for  years, and he has visited Instituto El Rey.  Jorge commented how impressed he is with IER and with the work that God is doing up there in the valley. He said it is a school of excellence!

Let me end with this very, very significant and meaningful series of events.  On the 23rd of December, Sharon and I and Melvin, one of our 6th year medical students who was visiting, were having a party for Paula – one of our 8th grade students, and two of her brothers, Adan and Carlos.  Afterwards, as I was driving the car down to give them a ride back to their home, the car crashed into a huge rock!  I am not going to try to explain how that happened!!!  But here is the point of this story –as I was standing there looking at the damage, somewhat in shock, Paula came up and quietly touched me on my arm, then her brother, Carlos, did the same thing as if to say, “we are sorry, we feel for you.  It’s ok, God is here!”  They did not have say a word, a gentle touch of their hands spoke more than words.  From tragedy to triumph!  What an awesome Christmas present!

This year our costs to operate the high school were $146,077.92, and it is because of your faithfulness in giving that we were able to meet these obligations!  Thank you so much!

May God bless you abundantly during the New Year.
And now,  To gain for the Lamb the reward of His sacrifice.
Earl and Sharon Washburn
Administrators IER

Mark your calendar: Spaghetti Dinner, February 23

January 15, 2013 by  
Filed under What's happening

It’s that time of year again… time to start thinking about… pasta. Lots and lots of pasta. Ivy Chapel’s famous Spaghetti Dinner is coming. It’s Saturday, February 23.

Watch this space and our Twitter or Facebook pages for more information as the big day gets closer. It’s one of our biggest fundraisers of the year – so we need your help!

Need to know more? Get in touch with Gail Thoele or Pat Winship, or drop us a line and we’ll fill you in.

Mission 4/1 Earth

January 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Many of us were witness to a phenomenal level of generosity displayed by this congregation in response to our 2011 United Church of Christ “Mission: 1” initiative.  All across our denomination, people responded faithfully and we far exceeded lofty “Mission: 1” goals.  Now, a new denomination-wide “mission initiative” is in the works.  We are calling it, “Mission 4/1 Earth: Fifty Great Days.”

This future mission effort already has a time-frame:  April 1 to May 18, 2013. (These are the dates of Eastertide 2013.  Historically, God’s Church has described the Season of Easter with the superlative name “The Great Fifty Days.”)  Beginning the day after Easter Sunday, all of us who are the United Church of Christ will join together in 50 Great Days of Mission 4/1 Earth.  Goals will include hopes of reaching more than 1 million hours of engaged earth care, 100,000 tree plantings across the globe, and 100,000 advocacy letters written and mailed in support of environmental care.

Working on behalf of environmental concerns is not new to our denomination.  Our United Church of Christ has been embracing this cause for over 30 years, so we see this shared ministry of caring for God’s Planet Earth as a continuation of ongoing U.C.C. work for environmental justice.  Mission 4/1 Earth will provide simple yet meaningful ways that each of us can take action wherever God places us  -  living out our faith by caring for God’s creation.

To learn more; please visit  www.ucc.org/news/mission-for-one-earth-website.html

Get to know the United Church of Christ

January 4, 2013 by  
Filed under What's happening

Are you looking for a church? Exploring denominations? Trying to figure out what you believe? Are you looking to learn more about the United Church of Christ? Or, are you a longtime member, looking to strengthen your connection with our core beliefs? No matter who you are, you’re invited to join our own Linda Lowry as she leads us on an exploration of the Christian Church, the United Church of Christ and Ivy Chapel.

Meet in the Ivy Chapel Sanctuary on Sunday, Feb. 3 and 10 from 11:15 to 12:15.

Questions? Email us and we’ll help you find what you need to know. If you can’t make the meetings, let us know.

Shop at the Ivy Chapel Craft Show and Vendor Fair Nov. 30

November 25, 2012 by  
Filed under What's happening

Ivy Chapel wants to help you with your Christmas shopping! Stop by our Craft Show and Vendor Fair between 6 and 10 p.m. on Friday, November 30. About 30 local artists, crafters, bakers, photographers and more will be on hand. This is a great chance to pick up a one-of-a-kind gift… or even several gifts!

We’ll have vendors on hand from Scentsy, Jazzercize, Mary Kay, Silpada Jewelry, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef and Tupperware. The Bread Company will also be there, as will other handmade jewelry crafters, talented bakers, cooking instructors and more. (Of course, samples and other refreshments will be served.)

Want to know more? Interesting in selling? Drop us a line and we’ll hook you up with the info you need.


Getting ready for Christmas

November 24, 2012 by  
Filed under What's happening

The Christmas season is upon us… and here at Ivy Chapel, we have several events for the entire family to get ready for Christ’s arrival in the world. Are you ready?

Hanging of the Greens. Sunday, December 2

Each year, we take a Sunday to decorate the church – and then celebrate with a Potluck Soup and Bread lunch. Sign up in the Narthex, or email us to sign up.

Santa’s Workshop and Cookie Baking

After lunch, the young ones among us will have the chance to make some special gifts for their loved ones. And while they’re hard at work, talented elves will make cookies in the kitchen. To RSVP for Santa’s Workshop or to bake cookies, drop us a line or call the Ivy Chapel office at 314-434-4991.

Christmas Cantata, Sunday, December 9

Our Chancel and Youth choirs have been hard at work for months preparing a special celebration of the season. Join us for this uplifting Ivy Chapel musical tradition.

Advent Family Storytelling, Sunday, December 16. 6:30p

Join us in the Ivy Chapel sanctuary for a family-oriented, Christmas-themed storytelling hour. We’ll bring our favorite books, stories and share them with the group. Afterwards, we’ll move to Fellowship Hall for refreshments. Want to join us? Let us know and we’ll save you a seat.

Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, December 23

Christmas is close – do you believe it? Come during worship to see our youth find a unique way to tell the Christmas story.


Would you like to learn more about Ivy Chapel’s youth programs? Call our office at 314-434-4991 or send us an e-mail with your questions.

Hurricane relief information

October 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Our thoughts and prayers are with those whose lives have been affected by Hurricane Sandy.

If you would like to donate to relief efforts, please mark your check with “Hurricane Sandy Response” and place it during the basket during worship. Checks should be made payable to United Church of Christ.

If you prefer, you can also mail donations to United Church of Christ; Financial Services; 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. If you prefer you may also click here to donate via a secure form through the United Church of Christ.

Following this and any disaster, Emergency Clean-Up Buckets and Hygiene Kits through Church World Service, are urgently needed. Click the links to learn how you can help.


Celebrating Mustard Seeds and Connections

October 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Rev. Carolyn Held, Spirit-filled Lydia’s House Chaplain, will be at Ivy Chapel UCC this coming Sun., Oct. 28. Rev. Held will be sharing in worship and selling Lydia’s House pins in support of their ministries.

Rev. Held writes: “As I picture all of the people and places connected with Lydia’s House, I imagine a large web of sorts. And I realize this web is invaluable in our work… So many people have been hurt directly because of domestic violence, and even more have been hurt indirectly because someone they know and/or love has experienced domestic violence. This web of connections, which surrounds Lydia’s House and extends into the larger community, has the potential and ability to make a difference in the many lives affected by domestic violence and plays a crucial role in ending domestic violence. For this, we give thanks.”

To learn more about our connection with Lydia’s House, click here.

The apostles said to Jesus, ‘Increase our faith!’

Jesus replied, ‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea,” and it would obey you.’ (Luke 17.5-6)

Is your head in the game? Trivia Night, Nov. 10

October 12, 2012 by  
Filed under What's happening

Wear your school colors… show your spirit… and prove your academic superiority (or something like that) at Ivy Chapel Trivia Night. It’s Saturday, November 10 from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m., right here at Ivy Chapel. Doors open at 5:30 so you’ll have a chance to suit up and decorate your table, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Bring your family… bring your friends… hire some smart people… whatever you do, come on down to what will be a fun evening and a great fundraiser for Ivy Chapel’s outreach programs.

Tickets are $15 per person, or $120 for a table of 8. You can buy tickets in advance by calling the Ivy Chapel office at (314) 434-4991, or at the door.

Wanna know more? Drop us a line and we’ll fill you in.

Trunk or Treat, something good to eat!

October 6, 2012 by  
Filed under What's happening

Everyone is welcome to join us for our annual Halloween Party and Trunk or Treat October 28 starting at 4 p.m. It’s a safe, fun fellowship event. We’ll have candy & goodies (of course), along with a hot dog roast and other scary activities under the pavilion!

Ivy Chapel members who want to provide treats for the kids should arrive around 3:30 to decorate their cars in the upper parking lot. Everyone is encouraged to dress up.

Want to join us? Need to know more? Send us an e-mail and we’ll fill you in on the details.

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