Celebrate Ivy Chapel’s 50th Anniversary – Jan. 26th

January 22, 2014 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Look who’s 50!  Yippee, Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ is celebrating our Golden Anniversary this year!

Wonderful festivities are planned for Sun., Jan. 26 to accent our customary Annual Meeting, Congregational Lunch and Elmer Awards.

In worship, Rev. Howard Self (ordained July 10, 1994 at Ivy Chapel UCC) and Rev. Laura Mignerone (ordained January 29, 2012 at Ivy Chapel UCC) will speak.  Each will offer a faith testimonial of their personal experience receiving and responding to God’s calling to serve in Christian ministry.  What a joy that both Howard and Laura are able to be with our congregation on this momentous day!

In Fellowship Hall, we will enjoy a tasty lunch provided by our Ivy youth.  We will share in an array of Golden Anniversary festivities, including yummy food, printed annual reports, pictures of church life 2013, awards, cherished time together, joy and laughter.  In addition, on the occasion of this milestone anniversary year for God’s Church in this location, everyone will be given the opportunity to recount treasured, special Ivy memories.

See you at our Sun., January 26 Ivy Anniversary Celebration!

Chase away the chills with chili Feb. 1

January 19, 2014 by  
Filed under What's happening

Join us for our chili dinner fundraisier, Feb. 1 at 4 pm.

You’re invited to the Ivy Chapel Chili Dinner. It’s a great way to chase away the winter blues and help raise money for Ivy Chapel’s programs. 

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Checks may be made out to Ivy Chapel UCC.

We’re also holding a raffle with great prizes like grocery and restaurant gift cards, gift baskets and more. Email us if you’d like to donate an item.

Want to help with the event? We need people to help make desserts and to decorate tables. Let us know if you can pitch in.

See you there!

Urgent Announcement: No Worship Sunday, Jan. 5

January 4, 2014 by  
Filed under What's happening

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For the safety of our members, friends and visitors, we will not hold worship at Ivy Chapel on Sunday, January 5. Please stay home, stay safe and stay warm. We hope to see you next week for our regular services. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

2013 Christmas Cantata

December 14, 2013 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

The snow was lightly falling outside as our Chancel Choir (joined by the Friends and Family Choir) presented a beautiful, musical telling of the Christmas story. Thank you all for your hard work practicing over the last several months… and congratulations on a truly inspiring performance.

If you couldn’t make it, or would like to hear it again, click here to download a recording of the service.


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Advent 2013 events with Ivy Chapel

November 30, 2013 by  
Filed under What's happening

All are welcome to celebrate Advent and Christmas with Ivy Chapel as we get ready for the birth of our Savior!

Here’s what’s happening:

Sunday, December 1, 10 am: Hanging of the Greens Worship, followed by a soup and bread lunch.
After lunch, the kids will head downstairs to make gifts for their families, while the adults and older kids will bake cookies upstairs.

Sunday, December 8, 10 am: Christmas Cantata
Performed by our Chancel Choir and other talented members of the congregation

Sunday, December 15, 6:30 pm: Advent Storytelling
Join us in the Ivy Chapel sanctuary for storytelling by candlelight. Afterwards, we’ll head into Fellowship hall for refreshments. All ages are welcome at this fun event.

Sunday, December 22, 10am: Children’s Christmas Pageant

Tuesday, December 24, 11 pm: Christmas Eve candlelight service

Questions? Send us an email or contact the church office at (314) 434-4991. We hope to see you soon.

Kids, Cars and Candy! Trunk or Treat Oct. 27

October 21, 2013 by  
Filed under What's happening

It’s Ivy Chapel UCC’s
Trunk or Treat/Halloween Party
Join us  Sunday, October 27, 4:00
In the Ivy Chapel Parking Lot

 What is Trunk or Treat?  A fun, safe, fellowship event to celebrate Halloween!

How it works:  Ivy Chapel UCC members who wish to provide treats for our young trick-or-treaters come to church and park in the parking lot.  We encourage everyone to dress in costume and to decorate your trunk or vehicle.  Adults stay by their cars, while the children trick or treat their way around the parking lot.

  Halloween activities in the pavilion, including a hot dog roast.

Pumpkin Decorating:  Bring your own little pumpkin –
we’ll provide the paint and stickers.

Bring a side dish to share if you’d like!

 Kids love candy at Halloween but you’re welcome to hand out other items, too -such as pencils, stickers, or even homemade goodies!!

While we’re enjoying our treats, let’s share with others.
Bring a jar of peanut butter or a few cans of food!

Or fill our cauldron with donations for Joint Neighborhood Ministries.

Those Ivy Chapel members providing candy/treats should arrive around 3:30 in the upper parking lot and park in designated spots around the outer edge of the lot.  Trick or treating begins at 4:00.

Send us an email to let us know you’re going – or if you have any questions.

Help spread the word about Ivy Chapel HarvestFest.

October 5, 2013 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is approaching – and we need your help to help promote it! Help us make this the best HarvestFest ever by inviting your friends and promoting the event around the community whenever you can.

HarvestFest is Nov. 2 at 6:30 pm, right here at Ivy Chapel – 620 N. Woods Mill Road.

Click here to download a printable flyer you can hang up on bulletin boards around the community.

Click here to download the official HarvestFest invitation.

Remind your friends who come that tickets are $15 in advance… and $20 at the door.

Cats, dogs and rabbits hang out at Ivy Chapel

September 23, 2013 by  
Filed under What's happening

Cat Blessing

We celebrated the 13th Annual Ivy Chapel Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, September 21.

It was a beautiful day… and this led us to talk about just how lucky we have been through the years to have such wonderful weather. We’ve only had two or three years that were even threatened by rain, and only two that forced us to (slightly) change plans.

Thanks to all the pets who begged their owners to come to the Blessing. See you next year!

Click here to a view a slideshow of the photos.

If you were there and would like a copy of a photo, please send us an email with a description and we’ll email it back to you.

Sell your wares at the 2013 Ivy Chapel Christmas Craft and Vendor Fair

September 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

The Second Annual Ivy Chapel Christmas Craft and Vendor Fair is November 22 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. – and we need your help. We’re looking for crafters, bakers, builders & sellers of all kinds to join us in kicking off the Christmas season. It’s a chance to give your new, growing or established business some great exposure, and, of course, to have some fun doing it.

We ask that you reserve your space early–last year our spaces sold out. The registration fee is $30 for a 6 ft. table, and $35 for an 8 footer.

Fill out the registration form and mail it to Ivy Chapel Vendor Fair, 620 N. Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO, 63017.

Have questions? Drop us a line and we’ll fill you in on the details.

Stewardship concert Oct. 12: “Being a Blessing”

September 8, 2013 by  
Filed under What's happening

Join us for a spiritual journey of faith and reflection featuring the music of Susan Drake and Julie Jennings. This special concert – held at Ivy Chapel at 7 p.m. on October 12 – is part of our annual stewardship program.

Susan and Julie have been making music together since 1999. They write and sing original songs that speak of life in our times. Susan and Julie bring crisp social critique, bold honesty, emotional integrity and passion for life to every song. Both ordained minsters in the United Church of Christ, Susan works as a hospice chaplain and Julie is a chaplain to youth in residential treatment at Every Child’s Hope.

The concert is free, but donations are encouraged.

For more information, send us an email or call 314-434-4991.

Please help us promote the concert by sharing this flyer.



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