Good Friday Virtual Worship

We glorify God our Savior for this extraordinary act of love; this holy sacrifice.


PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

One: This night, we remember
All: Christ betrayed.
One: This night, we remember
All: Christ arrested.
One: This night, we remember
All: Christ denied.
One: This night, we remember
All: Christ abused, and beaten, and sentenced to die.
One: This night, we remember
All: Christ crucified.

Everlasting God, we need you. You respond to the cries of your children from all walks of life. From the cross, Christ Jesus, you are the One crying out. Help us to hear your cries. Fill us with compassion for your pain and suffering. We are saved by your sacrifice. On this unforgettable night, may we be moved by the sorrows of betrayal, denial, cruelty, and condemnation that you endure for us. Your death is agony. This night, we remember you. Although we cannot fully imagine your excruciating pain, our souls ache as we recall you dying on the cross, Jesus.

You know our need for your grace. We worship and love you. Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Amen.

HYMN – Beneath the Cross of Jesus – #239

  1. Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand
    The shadow of a mighty Rock Within a weary land;
    A home within the wilderness, A rest upon the way,
    From the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day.
  2. Upon that cross of Jesus Mine eye at times can see
    The very dying form of One Who suffered there for me;
    And from my smitten heart with tears Two wonders I confess-
    The wonders of redeeming love and my unworthiness.
  3. I take, O cross, thy shadow For my abiding place;
    I ask no other sunshine than The sunshine of His face;
    Content to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss,
    My sinful self my only shame, My glory all the cross. CALL TO CONFESSION – Pastor Dan
    One: God longs for us to come to God; to be truthful; and to confess our sin.
    God wants to free us from all guilt and fear. Let us pray together.
    All: O Holy One, God Eternal; we frequently keep ourselves busy with things that do not satisfy. We try to fill our emptiness with activities and possessions that drain our energies rather than give life meaning. We get things all mixed up. We excuse our own sin at the same time that we condemn wrongdoing we see in others. Help us to own up to our sin and to repent. Have mercy on us, Dear God. We are sorry for failing you. Forgive us, we pray. Into your hands, we commend our souls. Amen. SILENCE ASSURANCE OF GOD’S FORGIVENESS – Pastor Dan THE LORD’S PRAYER – Pastor Dan
    Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 52:13-53:12 HYMN – Were You There? – #266 – Verses 1, 2 and 3 only
  4. Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
    Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
    O! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble!
    Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
  5. Were your there when they nailed Him to the tree?
    Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
    O! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble!
    Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
  6. Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
    Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
    O! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble!
    Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?

Christ on the Cross

The third hour
Luke 23:34
“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”

The fourth hour
John 19:26-27
“Woman, behold your son… Behold your mother.”

The fifth hour
Luke 23:43
“Truly, truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

The sixth hour
John 19:28
“I thirst.”

The seventh hour
Matthew 27:46
“My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?”

The eighth hour
Luke 23:46
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

The ninth hour
John 19:30
“It is finished.”

SPECIAL – ‘Tis Finished – Hartman –Marsha Fix, Vocalist

  • Depart in silence +

March 28 Virtual Worship – Palm Sunday

Join us to hear to hear the good word! Jesus is near! Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest! Raise and wave your palms!

Here is today’s order for worship:


PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

*CALL TO WORSHIP (adapted Isaiah 50:4-9) – Pastor Dan
One: Come to worship! Come; join in this chorus of Hosannas!
All: Come to let your tongue shout God’s praises!
One: Come to find your voice.
All: Come to hear the response.
One: Come to open your ears.
All: Come to listen.
One: Come to be healed by the silence.
All: Come to stand together.
One: Come to experience what words cannot express!
All: Come to find God.

HYMN – Make Way – worship booklet, p. 69

  1. Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendor arrives.
    Fling wide the gates and welcome him into your lives.

Make way, make way for the King of kings.
Make way, make way and let his kingdom in.

  1. He comes the broken hearts to heal the prisoners to free.
    The deaf shall hear, the lame shall dance, the blind shall see.


  1. And those who mourn with heavy hearts, who weep and sigh;
    with laughter, joy and royal crown he’ll beautify.


  1. We call you now to worship him as Lord of all,
    to have no gods before him – their thrones must fall.

God of exceptional moments; this morning, we recall the electric celebration of people enthusiastically welcoming Jesus along the road to Jerusalem. What a moment! We can imagine ourselves swept up in the party atmosphere of that lively parade! We can feel your great power! We want to cut loose ourselves in ways that faithfully offer you praise! Your holy love reaches out and blesses everyone. Come close now. Ride down Kingshighway here in our fair city, Jesus. Enter Metro St. Louis this day. Hosanna! Come on, Jesus! We choose you to be the grand marshal of our next big parade. Save us, we beg you. Hosanna in the highest! Amen.

PRAISE RESPONSE – In the Name of the Lord – #19

  1. Ride on, ride on, O Savior King, To set the sinner free!
    To sin cursed souls salvation bring And peace eternally!
    Ride on to dark Gethsemane, To untold agony,
    And on the cross of Calvary Procure our victory!
  2. Ride on, ride on, O Savior King, To claim the hearts of men!
    Now death has lost its dreadful sting And hope is born again.
    O come, in human hearts to reign Suppress the pow’r of sin!
    Our own endeavor is in vain; Lord, You must help us win!
  3. Ride on, ride on, O Savior King! Ride on o’er land and sea,
    For You alone to man can bring Eternal liberty.
    Ride on to sinbound nations, Lord, Until each heart shall own
    Your saving, sanctifying word and bow before Your throne!

There is strength in the name of the Lord;
There is pow’r in the name of the Lord;
There is hope in the name of the lLord!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.


GOD’S WORD – Psalm 118:1, 21-29 – Pastor Dan

SPECIAL MUSIC – Holy City – Marsha Fix, Vocalist

GOD’S WORD – Mark 11:1-11 – Pastor Dan

SERMON – Pastor Dan

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH – Pastor Dan – Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

HYMN – Ride On, Ride On, O Savior King – #236


POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta

CCLI License #456361​​

Food and Personal Care Item Drive

March 20, 2021 by  
Filed under What's happening

1 in 7 Missouri families with children don’t have enough to eat every day, according to a December 2020 report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, an advocate for young people in America. As Christians, and good neighbors, we must respond to this need.

The Ivy Chapel Lenten Food and Personal Care Items Drive continues until Easter. There is STILL TIME to TAKE ACTION and support Circle of Concern and Isaiah 58 Ministries with a much needed gift of food and/or personal care items.
Circle Of Concern: Peanut Butter • Jelly • Graham Crackers • Cereal • Cereal Bars • Oatmeal • Tomato Sauce • Pasta • Mac & Cheese • Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper • Canned Tuna & Chicken • Canned Vegetables •
Canned Chili • Soup • Shampoo • Conditioner • Laundry Detergent
Isaiah 58: Sardines • Mac & Cheese • Spices • Cereal • Peanut Butter • Jelly • Razors • Shaving Cream • Toothbrushes • Toothpaste • Toilet Bowl Cleaner • Dish Soap
Place items in the large soup can in the Narthex. (New, unopened food and personal care items only, please.)
If you are unable to donate, or would like to donate money for the purchase of items, please send us an email.

March 21 Livestream – Deep in our Hearts

Thank you for joining Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ on this, the fifth Sunday of Lent. We continue to adjust to our new sound system and having people here in the sanctuary with us. We appreciate your patience as we try to find our way through this “new normal.”

As always, your comments are welcome. Please feel free to leave a comment and interact before, during and after worship. And if you’re not already subscribed, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.


PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

One: Let us call on God’s steadfast love and mercy.
All: Our brokenness can be healed and our wholeness restored.
One: God offers humankind the joy of salvation.
All: Let us accept the new and right spirit God offers.
One: Through Jesus Christ, we are God’s new creation!
All: Praise God!

HYMN – Open My Eyes, That I May See – #174

  1. Open my eyes, that I may see Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
    Place in my hands the wonderful key That shall unclasp and set me free.
    Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
    Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!
  2. Open my ears, that I may hear Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
    And while the wave notes fall on my ear, Everything false will disappear.
    Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
    Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine!
  3. Open my mouth, and let me bear Gladly the warm truth everywhere;
    Open my heart, and let me prepare Love with Thy children thus to share.
    Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
    Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!

God of mercy; we call on you this day. Come, now, O Holy One. Shape us and lead us, we pray. May we be truly merciful, in the manner of our Savior, Christ Jesus. May we love as you love ~ without limit! God, we treasure that you know each of us by name. You call us to follow you by serving others. With faith in you, O God; may our lives display your tender mercies. Amen.

RESPONSE – Make Me a Servant – #415

Make me a servant, humble and meek. Lord, let me lift up those who are weak.
And may the prayer of my heart always be;
Make me a servant, make me a servant, make me a servant today.


GOD’S WORD – Psalm 51:1-2 – Pastor Dan
Jeremiah 31:31-34

SPECIAL MUSIC – Steal Away, arr. Lloyd Larson
Piano Duet, Julie McAllister and Anna DiVesta

GOD’S WORD – John 12:20-25, 35-36, 46-47 – Pastor Dan

SERMON Pastor Dan

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

HYMN – I Have Decided to Follow Jesus – #427

  1. I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus,
    I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back.
  2. The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me;
    The world behind me, the cross before me, No turning back, no turning back.
  3. Tho’ none go with me, I still will follow, Tho’ none go with me, I still will follow,
    Tho’ none go with me, I still will follow, No turning back, no turning back.
  4. Will you decide now to follow Jesus? Will you decide now to follow Jesus,
    Will you decide now to follow Jesus? No turning back, no turning back.


POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta


March 14 Virtual Worship – No Matter What

Thank you for joining us at Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ as we make the journey toward Easter together.

We ran into a few technical challenges with our stream this morning. It’s now in two parts:

Here is this week’s order for worship:

March 14 – No Matter What


PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

*CALL TO WORSHIP – Pastor Dan Wilson
One: God’s goodness has entered the world!
All: What joy to know this!
One: Rejoice, people of God! Christ died and rose on high!
All: By God’s Word, we are delivered from destruction.
One: By God’s mercy, we are made whole.
All: Let all that breathes sing God’s praises!

HYMN – O Love That Will Not Let Me Go – #439

  1. O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee;
    I give Thee back the life I owe,
    That in Thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be.
  2. O Light that foll’west all my way, I yield my flick’ring torch to Thee;
    My heart restores its borrowed ray,
    That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day May brighter, fairer be.
  3. O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee;
    I trace the rainbow through the rain,
    And feel the promise is not vain That morn shall tearless be.

God of unending patience, we call on you now. Often, we are impatient and troubled. We dream of being like you, Christ Jesus. Our calling is to follow you. Discipleship is your beautiful dream for all people. Yet we hesitate, for we are afraid of embracing changes that may come with the new life you offer. We are preoccupied with all sorts of other voices instead of being focused on responding to your Voice. Distracted by complexities, pressures and demands of our day; we neglect to set aside time to be still before you, God. Even now, we have gathered without much preparation, as if meeting you requires little of us. Yet we come here in search of the healing and the wholeness which you give. Merciful God, we call on you this moment, asking you to meet us as we are. Amen.

RESPONSE – O How He Loves You and Me – #254

  1. O how He loves you and me, O how He loves you and me;
    He gave His life – what more could He give?
    O how He loves you, O how He loves me, O how He loves you and me!
  2. Jesus to Calv’ry did go, His love for mankind to show;
    What He did there bro’t hope from despair;
    O how He loves you, O how He loves me, O how He loves you and me!


GOD’S WORD – Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 – Pastor Dan

SPECIAL MUSIC Here I Am, Lord, Send Me

GOD’S WORD – John 3:14-21 – Pastor

SERMON – Pastor Dan

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

HYMN – Lamb of God – worship booklet, p. 59

  1. Your only Son, no sin to hide, but you have sent him from your side,
    to walk upon this guilty sod, and to become the Lamb of God

O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God, I love the holy Lamb of God!
O wash me in his precious blood – my Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God!

  1. Your gift of love, they crucified, they laughed and scorned him as He died,
    the humble King they named a fraud and sacrificed the Lamb of God.


  1. I was so lost, I should have died, but You have brought me to your side,
    to be led by your staff and rod, and to be called a lamb of God.




CCLI License #456361​​

March 7 YouTube Livestream – Turning the Tables

This week we are taking the first steps toward in-person worship during this, the third Sunday of Lent. You’ll notice a big change to our livestream worship as well. We’ll be streaming live on YouTube instead of Facebook Live.

Please subscribe to our channel to receive notifications whenever we go live.

Here’s this week’s order for worship:

PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

One: We have gathered in the presence of God our Creator, who
sets before us the ways of life and death.
All: We have gathered in the presence of Jesus the Christ, who
calls us to accept the cost of discipleship that we may
know its joy.

One: We have gathered in the presence of the Spirit, who
sustains us in trial and rejoicing.
All: In our living and in our dying, we belong to God, who
knows us, loves us, and cares for us exactly as we are.
Let us worship God.

*HYMN – Come Just As You Are – worship booklet, p. 36

  1. Come just as you are; Hear the Spirit call.
    Come just as you are; Come and see, come, receive; Come and live forever.

Life everlasting, and strength for today;
Taste the Living Water, and never thirst again.

  1. Come just as you are; Hear the Spirit call.
    Come just as you are; Come, receive, Christ the King Come and live forever more.

Wise and Compassionate God, we are drawn to this holy place, in part, because we realize that our knowledge alone is not enough to give life meaning. The pieces of our lives need a center.
As people who are seeking to live as your faithful disciples, we are in the process of growing to recognize your Cross as the center, Jesus. On the Cross, you displayed total unselfishness. At Calvary, you went the distance for us. You always place serving others above everything else. The truth is, Jesus, this example of yours scares us, because we are intimidated by what you may ask of us. Yet we long for the wholeness which only you provide. This longing is so deep that we continue seeking to follow you regardless of the risks.
We come to you this moment, Christ Jesus. Make yourself known to us, we pray. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to you, O God, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

RESPONSE – Let the Words of My Mouth – #417

Let the words of my mouth, and my heart’s meditation Be acceptable to Thee, O Lord
Let the words of my mouth, and my heart’s meditation Be acceptable to Thee, O Lord.
In Thy sight, In Thy sight, May my heart’s meditation be right.
Let the words of my mouth, an my heart’s meditation Be acceptable to thee, O Lord.

GOD’S WORD – 2 Corinthians 1:19-20 – Pastor Dan



SPECIAL MUSIC – How Beautiful

GOD’S WORD – John 2:13-22 – Pastor Dan

SERMON – Pastor Dan

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

HYMN – We Are the Reason – #245

We are the reason that He gave His life,
We are the reason that He suffered and died.
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give,
to show us the reason to live.

We are the reason that He gave His life,
We are the reason that He suffered and died.
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give,
to show us the reason to live.


*POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta

Subscribe to the Ivy Chapel YouTube channel

We’re making a big move on March 6, bringing our livestreams to YouTube for better quality and accessibility. We’re debuting a new camera and new audio system, too.

Please help us out by subscribing to our YouTube channel:

In return, you’ll receive notifications anytime we go live.

No matter how you join us tomorrow, in person or on the livestream, things will be a little different.

This will be the first time in almost a year we’ve had people in the sanctuary for worship! It is an exciting time. The experience will still be very different from “normal,” but we hope it is an enriching experience for all who are here.For those of you joining us on the livestream, you will notice improved video and sound.

We’re making the transition to the new system tomorrow.While it will be better, we can’t guarantee there won’t be hiccups. Please be patient with us as there’s quite a learning curve to get this all running smoothly, and you never know how it’s going to go until you’re “Live.

Please comment on this post or reach out to Rich Heend if you have any questions.

Feb. 28 Virtual Worship – Always Close

Thank you for joining us on the second Sunday in Lent. A note that we will continue online worship, but will be welcoming you back into our sanctuary beginning next week. Registration is required – click here to learn more.

Here is the order for worship:

Prelude – Anna DiVesta

Responsive Call to Worship – Pastor Dan Wilson
One: In Christ, God offers all people a holy invitation.
All: We are invited to walk with God.
One: Turn to God, all the earth.
All: God not only speaks, but God also listens.
One: God hears our prayers, and God answers.
All: Let us exalt God with our praises now!

Hymn – Come, Holy Spirit – worship booklet, p. 35

  1. Come as a wisdom to children, Come as a new sight to the blind,
    Come, Lord, as strength to my weakness, Take me: soul, body and mind.

Come Holy Spirit, I need You, Come, sweet Spirit, I pray;
Come in Your strength and Your power, Come in Your own gentle way.

  1. Come as a rest to the weary, Come as a balm for the sore,
    Come as a dew to my dryness: Fill me with joy evermore,


  1. Come like a spring in the desert, Come to the withered of soul;
    O let Your sweet healing power, Touch me and make me whole.


Prayer of Invocation – Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: God, we long to live faithfully. We long to walk in the ways of Christ.
To do this, we need the light and the salvation you offer. Come to us this morning.
Come; fill us with your grace and mercy. Open our hearts in new ways to the promise of your healing grace.
God of Life, we want you to be the One we serve. We want you to lead us. Strengthen us to overcome any influences that are threatening to mislead us. Fill us with faith in you. May our love for you and our devotion to you continue growing. Amen.

Response – El Shaddai – #18

El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El Elyon na Adonai;
Age to age you’re still the same by the power of the name
El Shaddai, El shaddai. Er kahn ka na Adonai;
We will praise and lie You high, EL Shaddai.

Children’s Message – Sue Wilson

God’s Word – Psalm 22:1-2, 22-31 – Pastor Dan

Special Music – Just a Closer Walk with Thee

God’s Word – Mark 8:31-38 – Pastor Dan

Sermon – Pastor Dan

Prayers of God’s Church concluding with the Lord’s Prayer – Pastor Dan

Hymn – Nearer, My God, to Thee – #436

  1. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee!
    E’en though it be a cross That raises me;
    Still all my song shall be, Nearer my God to Thee,
    Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee.
  2. Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down,
    Darkness be over me, My rest a stone;
    Yet in my dreams I’d be Nearer my God to Thee,
    Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee.
  3. There let the way appear Steps unto heav’n’
    All that Thou sendest me In mercy giv’n;
    Angels to beckon me Nearer my God to Thee,
    Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. use,
  4. Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise
    Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I’ll raise;
    So by my woes to be Nearer my God to Thee,
    Nearer, my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee.
  5. Or if on joyful wing, Clearing the sky,
    Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly,
    Still all my song shall be Nearer my God to Thee,
    Nearer, my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee.

Benediction – Pastor Dan

Postlude – Anna DiVesta

In-person worship to resume March 7

Great news! COVID-19 cases continue to decline in the St. Louis area and across the country. While there is still a need for great caution, the Ivy Chapel Council and Board of Deacons have determined the time is right to resume in-person worship.

You must make a reservation to attend Ivy Chapel’s in-person worship. We will continue to offer virtual worship for those who cannot attend.

To make your reservation, please email Gail Thoele.

An important note: Things will be a little different. Here’s what to expect.

  1. Virtual services will continue.
  2. Masks MUST be worn inside the building; masks will be provided, if needed.
  3. Hand sanitizer will be provided in several areas.
  4. Sign-in is required for contact tracing.
  5. White dry erase boards will give directions to those entering the sanctuary.
  6. The floor will be marked for 6’ social distancing.
  7. Ushers will seat each individual or family group (from front to back.)
  8. Children will be seated and should remain with their family throughout the entire worship service. (There will be no Sunday School or nursery.)
  9. Communion will not be served at this time.
  10. There will be no congregational singing at this time.
  11. Ushers will dismiss the congregation from the pews after the service (from back to front.)
  12. Worshipers will leave the sanctuary by the outside door with safe social distancing.
  13. There will be no gathering in Fellowship Hall before or after services.
  14. Those who are sick, at risk or don’t feel safe are requested to stay at home and worship virtually.
  15. Announcements and prayer requests should be emailed to Pastor Dan at his direct email.
  16. At the present time, there will be no use of fluorescent lights or sound system in the sanctuary, because these interfere with the sound quality of our live stream worship service.
  17. Offering Gifts: A stationary offering plate will be located at the back of the sanctuary for people to offer a gift in person. [Anyone who prefers continuing to give church offering gifts as they have been doing up to now during the pandemic is welcome to continue.] Thank you for giving to support Ivy Chapel UCC ministries.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to Gail Thoele.

Feb. 21 Livestream – Jesus in the Wilderness

Thank you for joining us for the First Sunday of Lent. Today we also have a special message and mission moment from Kathy Poss of the Baby Blue Pantry.

Prelude – Anna DiVesta

Responsive Call to Worship – Pastor Dan
One: We worship Living God.
All: This week, we have entered into a new season.
One: Our 40-day journey to Christ’s Resurrection Day has begun.
All: As we navigate this wilderness, Gracious God is our compass.
One: This day of worship is an oasis in the desert.
All: Let us draw strength from the love of God our Savior.

Hymn – I Need Thee Every Hour – #169

  1. I need Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord;
    No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford.

I need Thee, O I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee.

  1. I need Thee every hour, Stay Thou near by;
    Temptations lose their pow’r When Thou art nigh.


  1. I need Thee every hour In joy or pain;
    Come quickly and abide Or life is vain.


  1. I need Thee every hour, Most Holy One;
    O make me Thin indeed, Thou blessed Son!


Prayer of Invocation – Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: God of Quiet Strength, we cannot resist evil completely by ourselves. Earthly temptations are everywhere. How do we deal with them? We need you, God. You are always present; living among us; living within us. We are thankful to be in your care.
God of Quiet Strength, help us to be still before you – – leaving behind our every distress. In the stillness and in the beauty of this morning, may we be reminded that you are God. You patiently continue inviting us to follow you. So then, Christ Jesus; come quietly now and bless us with the faith to accept your gift of life eternal. Amen.

Response – You Are My Hiding Place – #53

You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance
whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.
I will trust in You; Let the weak say, “I am strong in the strength of the Lord.”

You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance
whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Mission Moment – Baby Blue Pantry – Kathy Poss

God’s Word – Psalm 25:1-10 – Pastor Dan

Children’s Message – Linda Lowry

Special Music – “Narrow Road”

God’s Word – Mark 1:9-15 – Pastor Dan

Sermon – Pastor Dan

Prayers of God’s Church concluding with the Lord’s Prayer – Pastor Dan

Hymn – I Want Jesus to Walk with Me – #480

  1. I want Jesus to walk with me; I want Jesus to walk with me;
    All along my pilgrim journey, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
  2. In my trials, Lord, walk with me; In my trials, Lord, walk with me;
    When my heart is almost breaking, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.
  3. When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me; When I’m in trouble, Lord, walk with me;
    When my head is bowed in sorrow, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me.

Benediction – Pastor Dan

Postlude – Anna DiVesta

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