Feb. 17 Livestream – Ash Wednesday

Join us as we begin the Lenten journey together.

Prelude – Anna DiVesta

Call to Worship and Prayer of Invocation – Pastor Dan
One: Turn away from evil; and return to your God.
All: God is gracious and merciful;
One: God is slow to anger,
All: And abounding in steadfast love.
One: “Now,” says the Holy One, “return to me with all your heart.”
All: Be still; and know that I am God.
One: Let us pray.
All: God of wisdom and grace; you are the reservoir from whom all people receive life.
We come this night seeking to return to you, O God.
Bless this Ash Wednesday worship; we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hymn – Jesus, I Come – #369

Responsive Call to Confession – Pastor Dan
One: Holy God, Maker of all;
All: Jesus Christ, Savior of all;
One: Holy Spirit, breath of life;
All: Have mercy on us. Let us confess our sins.

Prayer of Confession – Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: God of wisdom and grace; you are acquainted with all our ways.
As we take this first step on a crucial Lenten spiritual journey, we turn to you in prayer. Come, O Holy Spirit; in your cleansing power, breathe on us and fill us with life anew. God of forgiveness and grace, we confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and action. We admit that we have failed to live by your Gospel of joy and lovingkindness. Forgive us, we pray.
Lead us to honor you, Jesus, by walking in your way of goodness and compassion. We call on you now, Dear Savior, asking for these blessings:
mend us, fill us,
send us, use us.
This we pray in your holy name, Christ Jesus. Amen.


Assurance of Pardon – Pastor Dan
We are tempted often to hold on to the past.
But God calls us to leave it behind.

By the grace of our Risen Savior, the past is dead and gone.
The future is open! Let us live in the freedom which God offers.

Through our Savior Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen!

Response – Change My Heart, O God – worship booklet, p. 33

Scripture Reading – Joel 2:1-5, 10, 12-13 – Pastor Dan

The Imposition of Ashes – Pastor Dan

Special Music– The Old Rugged Cross – Anna DiVesta and Aaron DiVesta

Scripture Reading – Psalm 51:1-4, 6-12 – Pastor Dan

The Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors) – Pastor Dan

Hymn – More Love to Thee – #428

Benediction – Pastor Dan

Postlude – Anna DiVesta

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