Oct. 25 Livestream

Be a force for positivity in the world! Embrace the good, even when it’s a challenge. Focus on the can-dos, rather than the do-nots. Love your neighbor. Be kind to all.

The order for Sunday, October 25 Worship:

Prelude / Anna diVesta

Responsive Call to Worship / Rev. Dan Wilson
One: Morning has broken!
All: Let us worship God.
One: We are drawn to worship by the unseen.
All: In worship, we sense God’s closeness.
One: The Creator of all living things gives us life!
All: There are wonders all around us!
One: Holy God is more than we can imagine.
All: Together, let us sing God’s praises!

Prayer of Invocation / Pastor Dan
One: I invite you to bow with me, and let us pray together.
All: God Who Leads; we know that we have not reached your Promised Land. We know that we have not yet seen the fulfillment of all that you have spoken across the generations. We know that there remains much to be done as your disciples in pursuit of “a just world for all.”
God Who Fulfills Promises; grant that we may have the faith of Moses, who trusts fully in you. Moses trusts ‘sight unseen’ that your Promised Land of Milk and Honey steadily is drawing near. Grant that we may display such trust to continue working on behalf of your justice, especially when we are tempted to despair that our efforts may be futile.
“Sometimes Unseen, but Always Faithful God,” we praise you
for guiding us toward loving as Christ loves;
for guiding us toward being willing to sacrifice our lives on behalf of others.
Fill us with your Spirit of unselfishness, Christ Jesus. We pray for your blessing on the whole world this day. Lead us to love you and to follow you, Jesus. Amen.

Hymn/ “With My Whole Heart” worship booklet, p. 98

Children’s Message / Sue Wilson

Special Music/ “Toccata in D” / Anna

Scripture Reading / Pastor Dan Matthew 22:34-46

Sermon/Prayer / Pastor Dan

Hymn / “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” # 119

Benediction / Pastor Dan

Postlude / Anna

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