September 27 Livestream – Stewardship Week 2

Thank you for joining us on our continuing exploration of generosity and love, as we make our journey through this year’s stewardship campaign.

This week’s order for worship:

Prelude/ Anna DiVesta

Invocation (Call to Worship; Prayer) / Pastor Dan

Hymn/ “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” #439

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

  1. O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee;
    I give Thee back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow
    May richer, fuller be.
  2. O Light that foll’west all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee;
    My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day
    May brighter, fairer be.
  3. O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee;
    I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain
    That morn shall tearless be.
  4. O Cross that lightest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from thee;
    I lay in dust life’s glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red
    Life that shall endless be.

Children’s Message/ Linda Lowry

Special Music/ Anna

Scripture Reading 1 John 4:8-20 / Pastor Dan

Message (concludes w/ prayer) / Pastor Dan

Hymn/ “Love Lifted Me” #317

Love Lifted Me

  1. I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore,
    Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more;
    But the Master of the sea Heard my despairing cry,
    From the waters lifted me, Now safe am I.

Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help, Love lifted me.
Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help, Love lifted me.

  1. All my heart to Him I give, Ever to Him I’ll cling,
    In His blessed presence live, Ever His praises sing.
    Love so mighty and so true Merits my soul’s best songs;
    Faithful, loving service too To Him belongs.


  1. Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves;;
    He will lift you by His love Out of the angry waves.
    He’s the Master of the sea, Billows His will obey;
    He our Savior wants to be – Be saved today.

Benediction / Pastor Dan

Postlude/ Anna

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