September 29 – ‘Imagine Together!’

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ.

A heart-felt welcome to our guest witnessing steward, the Rev. Doni Driemeier-Showers. We are blessed that Doni is offering a personal faith message during worship today as our congregation sets out together on our autumn stewardship pilgrimage.

Everyone is invited to Fellowship Hall following worship for a special reception in celebration of and in thanksgiving for the ministry of our worship musician Bob Meinz.
Thank you so much, Bob, for your good-natured, extended service providing worship leadership among us!


PRELUDE –  Lord, I Want to Be a Christian   — arr. John Carter                  

*CALL TO WORSHIP  (Psalm 146, UCC Worship Ways adapted)    –  John Weiland 
One-Blessed are those whose hope is in God, the Maker of heaven and earth –
 ALL-for God keeps faith forever!
One-God executes justice for the oppressed and gives food for the hungry.
 ALL-God sets the prisoners free and opens the eyes of the blind!
One-God lifts up those who are bowed down.
ALL-God watches over the strangers and upholds the orphan and the widow.  
One-People of God, sing praises to the One who is your help –
 ALL-for God keeps faith forever!

*HYMN- Come, Christians, Join to Sing  #70

Come, Christians, join to sing Alleluia! Amen!
Loud praise to Christ our King; Alleluia! Amen!
Let all, with heart and voice, Before his throne rejoice;
Praise is His gracious choice: Alleluia! Amen!

Come, lift your hearts on high, Alleluia! Amen!
Let praises fill the sky; Alleluia! Amen!
He is our Guide and Friend, To us He’ll condescend;
His love shall never end: Alleluia! Amen!

Praise yet our Christ again; Alleluia! Amen!
Life shall not end the strain; Alleluia! Amen!
On heaven’s blissful shore, His goodness we’ll adore,
Singing forevermore, “Alleluia! Amen!”


 God Eternal, you have gathered us together. We are here to praise you! As recipients of your blessings, we are inspired by you to become givers!  May we lavish your grace and your compassion on all people.  
 Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on us. During this time of worship, teach us your ways, Christ Jesus. Lead us to continue learning and growing in faithfulness to you. We pray in your holy name, Jesus.  Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – To Be God’s People #121

Almighty Father give us a vision
of a dying world that needs Your love and care.
We see the need, the yearning for a Savior,
In Jesus’ name, grant this our prayer.

To be God’s people in this place,
live His goodness, share His grace,
Proclaim God’s mercy through His Son
be His love, to every one.  

And when we falter, be Thou our comfort. 
Guide us as Your children that our lives may be
A beacon in this darkness that surrounds us,
A light that others then may see.


GOD’S WORD – Psalm 13 – John Weiland


We confess, O God, that the burdens which weigh us down also narrow our vision.  Fear of scarcity makes us focus on our own survival.  We regard strangers with suspicion, and we find it difficult to share.  We speak words that we regret, and we keep silent when we need to speak. Weariness and discouragement sap our energy and our faith.
We wonder how there could be good news that is not of our own making.   We, whom you call to be an Easter people, are in need of resurrection.  Amen.

In the person of Jesus,
God invites us to discover the freedom and new life that God offers:
God’s forgiveness heals us.
God’s grace dispels our weariness and discouragement.
God’s love clears our vision.
God’s compassion lifts our burdens. 
Thanks be to God!  Amen.

SPECIAL MUSIC – As the Deer  

GOD’S WORD  – John 11

SERMON – Rev. Driemeier-Showers                   

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH –  Rev. Driemeier-Showers            
Pastoral Prayer concluding with the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

*HYMN – Live Into Hope – worship booklet, p. 65

Live into hope of captives freed,
Of sight regained, the end of greed.
Th’ oppressed shall be the first to see
The year of God’s own jubilee!

Live into hope! The blind shall see
With insight and with clarity,
Removing shades of pride and fear,
A vision of our God brought near.

Live into hope of liberty,
The right to speak, the right to be,
The right to have one’s daily bread,
To hear God’s word and thus be fed.

Live into hope of captives freed,
From chains of fear or want or greed.
God now proclaims our full release
To faith and hope and joy and peace.

*BENEDICTION –  Rev. Driemeier-Showers

*POSTLUDE – Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee  — arr. Matt Limbaugh

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