Sept. 24 – Tensions in the Wilderness
September 23, 2023 by Rich
Filed under Featured, Livestream Links and Order for Worship
A Warm Ivy Welcome and Thank You to Rev. Al Schon! We are grateful to you for leading us in worship this morning.
You can view today’s worship on our YouTube channel.
*CALL TO WORSHIP – (Inspired by Psalm 145:1-8) – Rod Hertenstein
One: Bless the name of the Holy and Sovereign One forever and ever!
Many: Great is our God and greatly to be praised.
One: Bless the name of the Holy and Sovereign One forever and ever!
Many: This generation will tell the next generation so they may tell the
next generation of the Holy One’s magnificent and mighty acts.
One: Bless the name of the Holy and Sovereign One forever and ever!
Many: We declare the abundant goodness, gracious righteousness, and
holy love of our God. Praise the Holy One!
*HYMN – Blessed Quietness – #147
Joys are flowing like a river
Since the Comforter has come,
He abides with us forever,
Makes the trusting heart His home.
Blessed quietness, holy quietness
What assurance in my soul!
On the stormy sea He speaks peace to me,
How the billows cease to roll!
Bringing life and health and gladness,
All around this heav’nly Guest,
Banished unbelief and sadness,
Changed our weariness to rest.
Like the rain that falls from heaven,
Like the sunlight from the sky,
So the Holy Ghost is given,
Coming on us from on high. [Refrain]
See, a fruitful field is growing,
Blessed fruit of righteousness,
And the streams of life are flowing
In the lonely wilderness. [Refrain]
What a wonderful salvation,
Where we always see His’s face!
What a perfect habitation,
What a quiet resting place! [Refrain]
One: Mighty God, we enter your presence with thanksgiving and hope.
Many: You have formed us as your people.
One: You join us on the journey of life through valleys, upon mountains, and
on the plains.
Many: We set our attention and we seek your wisdom, encouragement,
and grace.
One: Reveal your will and display your glory among your people as we
worship your holy name.
Many: Amen.
*RESPONSE – Be Still and Know – #24
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
I am the Lord that heal-eth thee.
I am the Lord that heal-eth thee.
I am the Lord that heal-eth thee.
GOD’S WORD – Exodus 16:2-15 – Rod Hertenstein
GOD’S WORD – Matthew 20:1-16 – Pastor Al Schon
SERMON – Pastor Al Schon
*HYMN – Give to the Winds Your Fears – #458
Give to the winds your fears, Hope and be undismayed;
God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears; God shall lift up thy head.
Through waves and clouds and storms,He gently clears the way;
Wait for His time, so shall this night Soon end in joyous day.
Still heavy is your heart? Still sink your spirits down?
Cast off the weight, let fear depart, And every care be gone.
He everywhere has sway And all things serve His mind;
His every act pure blessing is, His path unsullied light.
Far, far above your thought His counsel shall appear,
When fully He the work hath wrought, That caused thy needless fear.
Leave to His sovereign will To choose and to command;
With wonder filled, you then shall own How wise, how strong His hand.
*BENEDICTION – Pastor Al Schon
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