July 18 Livestream – Wherever You Are
July 17, 2021 by Rich
Filed under Featured, Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Do not be afraid! Wherever you are, no matter how stormy the seas, God is with you.
You are welcome to join us in person at 10 a.m., or during our virtual worship beginning around 10 a.m. on Sunday.
PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta
One: Where do you belong? Think about a place where you belong.
All: Love is patient. Love is kind.
One: What do you love about that place?
All: Love is not envious, or boastful, or arrogant, or rude.
One: How do you feel when you go there and you are welcomed?
All: Love is not irritable. Love does not seek its own advantage.
One: Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
All: We are each a part of God’s creation.
One: All people are treasured parts of God’s creation.
All: With God, all belong and all are welcomed as we are!
HYMN – Here I Am to Worship – worship booklet, pp. 48-49
Light of the World, You stepped down in-to dark-ness
O-pened my eyes, let me see.
Beau-ty that made this heart a-dore You,
Hope of a life spent with You.
So, here I am to wor-ship, here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You’re my God.
And You’re al-to-geth-er love-ly, al-to-geth-er wor-thy,
Al-to-geth-er won-der-ful to me.
King of all days, oh so high-ly ex-al-ted,
Glo-rious in heav-en a-bove.
Hum-bly You came to the Earth You cre-a-ted,
All for love’s sake be-came poor.
So, here I am to wor-ship, here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You’re my God.
And You’re al-to-geth-er love-ly, al-to-geth-er wor-thy,
Al-to-geth-er won-der-ful to me.
And I’ll nev-er know how much it cost
To see my sin up-on that cross
And I’ll nev-er know how much it cost
To see my sin up-on that cross.
So here I am to wor-ship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You’re my God.
And You’re al-to-geth-er love-ly, al-to-geth-er wor-thy,
Al-to-geth-er wonderful to me.
Living God, we come to you now. We are here to worship you. We need your grace and guidance. There are times when we stray from you. Too often, we fail to embrace the rhythms of life which you provide, God. We allow ourselves to be thrown off stride from the pace that you would have us walk, and we race on ahead at full speed. Being in a hurry has led us and others to become lost on paths that do not follow your way.
God of steadfast love, may we use all of our senses to learn from you. Help us take the risks that go along with letting you lead, Eternal God. Guide us to live in rhythm with you, Christ Jesus; so that we may love extravagantly and give joyfully as you do. Amen.
*PRAISE RESPONSE – God Will Make A Way – worship booklet, p.44
God will make a way where there seems to be no way,
He works in ways we can not see, He will make a way for me
He will be my guide, hold me close-ly to His side,
With love and strength for each new day, He will make a way
He will make a way
*HYMN – I Sing the Almighty Power of God – #6
I sing th’al-might-y pow’r of God That made the mountains rise,
That spread the flow-ing seas a-broad And built the loft-y skies
I sing the wis-dom that or-dained The sun to rule the day;
The moon shines full at His com-mand And all the stars o-bey.
I sing the good-ness of the Lord That filled the earth with food;
He formed the crea-tures with His word And then pro-nounced them good.
Lord, how Thy won-ders are dis-played Where-e’er I turn my eye,
If I sur-vey the ground I tread Or gaze up-on the sky!
There’s not a plant or flow’r be-low But makes Thy glo-ries known;
And clouds a-rise and tem-pests blow By or-der from Thy throne;
While all that bor-rows life from Thee Is ev-er in Thy care,
And ev-ery-where that man can be, Thou, God, art pres-ent there.
GOD’S WORD – 2 Samuel 7:1-13, 16-17 & Psalm 89:1-2, 19-29 – Pastor Dan
SPECIAL MUSIC – Forever – Anna DiVesta
GOD’S WORD – Mark 6:45, 53-56 Pastor Dan
SERMON – Pastor Dan
PRAYERS – Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors) – Pastor Dan
*HYMN – Hymn of Promise – #277
In the bulb there is a flow-er; In the seed, an ap-ple tree;
In co-coons, a hid-den prom-ise; But-ter-flies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of win-ter There’s a spring that waits to be,
Un-re-vealed un-til its sea-son, Some-thing God a-lone can see
There’s a song in ev-ery si-lence, Seek-ing word and mel-o-dy;
There’s a dawn in ev-ery dark-ness, Bring-ing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the fu-ture; What it holds, a mys-ter-y.
Un-re-vealed un-til its sea-son, Some-thing God a-lone can see.
In our end is our be-gin-ning; In our time, in-fin-i-ty.
In our doubt there is be-liev-ing; In our life, e-ter-ni-ty.
In our death a res-ur-rec-tion; At the last, a vic-to-ry.
Un-re-vealed un-til its sea-son, Some-thing God a-lone can see.
*POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta
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