Celebrating Mustard Seeds and Connections
October 22, 2012 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Rev. Carolyn Held, Spirit-filled Lydia’s House Chaplain, will be at Ivy Chapel UCC this coming Sun., Oct. 28. Rev. Held will be sharing in worship and selling Lydia’s House pins in support of their ministries.
Rev. Held writes: “As I picture all of the people and places connected with Lydia’s House, I imagine a large web of sorts. And I realize this web is invaluable in our work… So many people have been hurt directly because of domestic violence, and even more have been hurt indirectly because someone they know and/or love has experienced domestic violence. This web of connections, which surrounds Lydia’s House and extends into the larger community, has the potential and ability to make a difference in the many lives affected by domestic violence and plays a crucial role in ending domestic violence. For this, we give thanks.”
To learn more about our connection with Lydia’s House, click here.
The apostles said to Jesus, ‘Increase our faith!’
Jesus replied, ‘If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea,” and it would obey you.’ (Luke 17.5-6)
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