Ash Wednesday prayer vigil, Feb. 22
February 7, 2012 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
Join us at Ivy Chapel on February 22 as we continue our traditional start of the Holy Season of Lent. Our sanctuary will be open from 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Ash Wednesday for a continuous prayer vigil. We will share a potluck soup and bread dinner at 6 p.m., followed by a special worship service at 7:30. For more information, e-mail us.
Special collection for Lydia’s House
February 7, 2012 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
The Mary and Martha Women’s Group is collecting some much-needed items for Lydia’s House during the month of February. These items include diapers and pull-ups, toilet paper and 32-gallon plastic storage containers. These might seem like an interesting mix of items, but they can make a real difference for people in need. Please drop off your donations in the Ivy Chapel narthex. If you would like more information about Lydia’s House or about this effort, send us an e-mail.
Chili Supper, Feb 18th
February 7, 2012 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
Invite your family, friends and neighbors! It’s time again for Ivy Chapel’s famous Chili Supper. Our secret recipes for spicy regular and white chili have made this a favorite regional event.
It’s February 18th from 4 to 7:30 p.m., right here at Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ (620 N. Woods Mill Road, in Chesterfield.) The cost is $8 for adults and $4 for kids under 12… which includes chili, hot dogs for the kids, crackers, veggies and (of course) homemade desserts.
Tickets are available at the door.
Need more info? Drop us a line and we’ll fill you in.
Get to know us!
February 5, 2012 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
We rejoice that so many people have expressed an interest in joining Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ! On February 7th, we will host a special gathering for anyone who wants to learn more about Ivy and the United Church of Christ. Join us in our sanctuary at 7pm as we explore the fascinating and wonderful history of our church and the UCC and help us celebrate the future as we prepare to welcome new members.
Are you looking for a new church? Feel free to visit Ivy Chapel any time. We are an open, welcoming, family-oriented congregation and would love to have you worship with us. If you’d like to know more about Ivy or the UCC, send us an e-mail.