A unique way to tell the Christmas story
December 18, 2011 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
On Sunday, December 17, the youth of Ivy Chapel presented the annual Christmas pageant – with a twist. The kids told the familiar story of Mary and Joseph’s journey, leading to the whole world’s discovery of the miracle of Jesus’ birth, and punctuated it with jokes about aliens and other pop culture references.
Thanks to Linda Lowry for her hard work pulling the pageant together in what seems to be a shorter and shorter time every year, and to all of the parents who helped make it happen. And, of course, congratulations to all of the kids who turned in such wonderful performances.
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Upcoming Advent and Christmas Events
December 1, 2011 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
The holiday season is a busy time for everyone… and it’s really bustling here at Ivy Chapel. We hope you’ll be able to take time to celebrate with us as we prepare for the celebration that is the miracle of Jesus Christ’s birth. Need more information about any of these events? Drop us a line and we’ll fill you in.
Here are some of the events going on this month:
Sunday, December 4
Hanging of the Greens during worship
Potluck Soup & Bread Lunch after worship
Santa’s Workshop after lunch – there’s still time to sign up to participate (ages 5 years – 6th grade) or to help out (7th grade – adult).  Our Santa’s Workshop elves are finalizing their plans tonight so just let us know ASAP so that we can make sure we have enough crafts.
Sunday, December 11
Choir Christmas Cantata during worship (no Sunday School – let’s all enjoy the Cantata)
For Middle & High School Youth – putting together the College Care Packages after worship
ALL YOUTH (grades K – 12!!!) Cookie Baking & Card Making party (with pizza!!) Â 4:45 – 6:15
6:30 – Advent Storytelling in the sanctuary. Hearing stories read by candlelight, followed by cookies and fellowship. ALL ages are welcome - from babies to the oldest among us!
Saturday, December 17
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal in the Sanctuary 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Sunday, December 18
Christmas Pageant during worship (come at 9:15 to get your costumes on)
Saturday, Dec. 24
Christmas Eve Family Worship – 6:30 p.m.
Christmas Eve Worship – 11:00 p.m. service
Sunday, December 25 – Christmas Morning – worship at 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, December 27
College Student Get together – Middle School, High School and College Aged Youth – meet for lunch then on to our service activity
Thursday, December 29 – Friday, December 30
Alpha-Omega (Sr. High) Christmas Party and Lock-in! We’ll be doing our annual “gift exchange”.  More details to come later.
Santa’s Workshop and Hanging of the Greens Dec. 4
December 1, 2011 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
It’s that time of year again… time to get our church ready for the holidays… and time for the young people to have fun making presents for the ones they love in Santa’s Workshop. On Sunday, Dec. 4, we’ll celebrate with a Pot Luck lunch, and then kids aged 5 through 6th grade will head to the basement for the fun. The cost is just $6 per child to cover supplies. Want to sign up? Drop us an email for more information. And be sure to be here for all of our other special Advent and Christmas activities!
If you’re interested, fill out this form and bring it with you.
Thank you, and Merry Christmas from Ivy Chapel.