“Adopt” a new idea for fall…

September 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Chris Adams, director of volunteers for Emmaus Homes, gave a brief presentation about EH during worship at Ivy Chapel  on Aug. 28.  A concept she’s developed to give more people opportunities to interact with Emmaus clients involves ‘adoption’ of an Emmaus community home.

Chris is looking for families or congregations to serve as pilots for this new idea that partners groups with Emmaus community residences.  Given our existing relationship with Ross House residents, who regularly attend worship (and always enjoy coffee hour and the picnic), this initiative seems like a natural fit with Ivy Chapel.  The goal is to provide diverse voluntary opportunities for Ivy members, depending on interests and comfort level.  Some involvement may be with the house grounds; other engagements may be one-on-one with residents; others may just be simple extensions of activities we already do–like adding Ross House to the sites where youth Christmas carol.

Nancy Litzinger is recruiting members to work with Chris Adams and the Ross House manager to identify needs and set parameters for the project.  If you’re interested in helping lay the groundwork for this pilot partnership, contact Nancy: 314-434-4162; nancywl@sbcglobal.net

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