Youth Challenge: Collection for Joplin

May 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Our youth would like to challenge us with an invitation!  The Spirit of God is moving us to help others.  We are extremely blessed.  Let’s give!  We are gathering items to assist people in their continuing recovery from the devastating tornado in Joplin, Missouri.  Please bring what you can to Ivy Chapel UCC at our Church Picnic on Sunday, June 5th. Pastor Dan will take our gifts to our MMS UCC Conference Annual Gathering on June 10.

Needed items are listed below:

bottled water

ready to eat food (protein bars, beef jerky, individual portioned foods, etc.)

diabetic friendly food



lawn and garden bags

diabetic supplies (gauze, syringes, etc.) ;

five-gallon buckets;

scouring pads;


scrub brushes;

cleaning towels (reusable, like Easy Wipes®);

dry laundry detergent;

liquid concentrated household cleaner;

liquid disinfectant dish soap;

packages of clothespins

clothesline (two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.)

dust masks;

latex gloves (like Playtex®);

work gloves;

heavy-duty trash bags (30-45 gallon)

You can drop off your items starting immediately.  There are designated boxes in our church entryway.

Youth Sunday Reflections

It’s beyond a cliché to say that our children are our future. But if you were at Ivy Chapel for Youth Sunday, you’d definitely be feeling good about the days and years ahead. The Youth of Ivy Chapel led all aspects of worship on May 22. Their interpretations of the Word of God and their reflections on faith were truly inspirational.

Here are a few photos from the worship:

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What if… you shared your church with just one friend?

May 19, 2011 by  
Filed under What If? blog

What if you shared your church with just one person?

What would be the impact on your fellow members? On your church? On your friend?

What if everyone did the same?

What if everyone invited a friend to church on Sunday? Or to the church picnic? Or bible study?

Sharing your love for your church and for God isn’t hard, is it?

What do you think will happen?

Learn more about Instituto El Rey June 8

May 19, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

This is your chance to meet Earl and Sharon Washburn, the administrators of Instituto El Rey in Honduras at a special gathering on Wednesday,  June 8th, 7 pm at Ivy  Chapel.  Come learn more about the progress the students  are making.

Dessert will follow a short presentation.  Please feel free to invite friends and family.

By the way, this is the first time Sharon will be visiting Ivy Chapel.

Please let Russ Washburn know that you would like to come to enjoy dessert and learn more about Instituto El Rey. Or send us an e-mail.

You can learn more about Instituto El Rey at:

All invited: Ivy Chapel Spring Picnic June 5

May 19, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

The annual church picnic is always the highlight of the spring… and this year the Fellowship Committee has hatched something extra-special: Serengeti Steve will be making an encore performance! Steve’s performance at our fall picnic produced many laughs — and a few gasps.

Invite your friends and family to the Ivy Chapel Reptile Experience.

Of course… it wouldn’t be an Ivy event without great food. There will be plenty of that!

The festivities start at 11 or 11:15 (right after church) under the pavilion.

Need more info? Drop us an e-mail.

Here are some photos from our last encounter with the Reptile Experience. Click on the photo to view the album.

2010 Fall Picnic