What if we all said “YES”?

January 31, 2011 by  
Filed under What If? blog

What if…

(A personal reflection by Ivy Chapel Moderator Sarah Heend, presented during worship on Sunday, January 30.)

What if we all said yes more often? To requests for help at Ivy, in the community, from our families and friends? From God? What if we looked at new situations as opportunities instead of obstacles? How much would we grow emotionally and spiritually? Personally, this is something that is very hard for me, but I have tried to do it here at Ivy. Or rather I have been pushed by God to do it, sometimes gently, sometimes not so gently.

Looking back to when we joined Ivy, 10 years ago, I never could have foreseen that I would have volunteered to speak today. Just making an announcement before worship used to make me lose sleep. Some of you know how much it cost me several years ago to lead the closing for Vacation Bible School, which meant I was talking in front of the parents as well as the kids. It took some hard praying and a lot of reassurance from many people for me to get up there. But I learned so much about myself, and what I could do that July week.

That led to opportunities to help with the fundraising dinners, to join the choir, and so much more, including accepting the role of moderator when I was asked last fall. It hasn’t been easy to listen to the voice that tells me to accept the challenge. I have spent lots of time praying and worrying, in the middle of the night and all throughout the day. But in the end I have overcome my hesitation, which has allowed me to get so much out of my experiences; it has been worth all the sweat and tears over the years.

If I had said, “No,” to these opportunities I would have missed so much. I would have never realized that I could really do it. I never would have joined the choir and had the opportunity to expand my spiritual growth through music. In the past my anxiety held me back from some things that I wanted to do. And other things I never had the courage to even dream about. When I said, “Yes” to these requests, these calls from God, I was rewarded beyond my expectations. No it hasn’t been easy, and no I am not free of my anxieties about new situations, but it is all a journey. A journey that I am glad I started. A journey I want to continue.

What if we all said, “Yes” more often? Yes to each other, yes to opportunity, yes to God?

What’s your What if?

January 29, 2011 by  
Filed under What If? blog

Thank you for reading the Ivy Chapel “What if?” Blog. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be publishing thoughts and challenges, questions that, when thoughtfully answered, will help us become the people God wants us to be.

During our Annual Meeting in January, we challenged members of our congregation to pose “What if?” questions to each other. These challenges were written on slips of paper shaped like leaves, and now hang on the ivy vines hanging in the narthex. We’ll be posting a few of these to get the discussion started, along with other inspirational thoughts.

Feel free to comment. Join the conversation. Help us grow, and, in turn, grow your own faith as well.

Thank you.

Welcome to “Growing the Vine” Together

January 29, 2011 by  
Filed under What If? blog

We are the “God is Still Speaking” Church!

We celebrate that God is continuing to bless our lives with daily grace.

Guess what we’ve discovered?

God is inviting us to go on a trip together.

No, it’s not a vacation trip.

This is a vocation trip!

Our vocation, our calling is becoming who God is asking us to be.

As the saying goes, “Life is not a destination.  It’s a journey!”

Our congregation is embarking on a Journey that we’re calling:  Growing the Vine Together.

We are travelling together.  And it’s exciting!

“Still-Speaking” God is saying:  “What If…”

It’s about potential.

The possibilities are limitless.

This “What If…” Journey is about our God-given potential as a community of faith.

There’s a world of difference between “living it up” and “living up” to who God would like us to be!

Our congregation’s “What If…”  Journey is a calling to “live up” to our God-given potential.

This is a process of calling on God to reveal ever more things we can do to support and enhance the life

of this congregation which is a vital instrument of God for carrying out Christ’s ministries.

Ivy Chapel UCC is our spiritual home.  God has provided us with this remarkable church home not solely

for our own benefit.   This is all part of God’s design:  We are blessed, so that we may offer blessing.

We receive, so that we may give.

We have been given much.  God has entrusted us with much.   Related to this, our Savior Jesus

proclaims, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and  from the one

who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”  (Luke 12:48)

“What If…” you and I trust God with abandon?

“What If…” we live with conviction that Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ is Holy Ground?

With the conviction that there are unique and crucial things God fervently wants to accomplish here?

Imagine what could come about!

Where can this Journey lead?

See for yourself.  We pray that you will come and see!

Let’s join together   -   Growing the Vine Together.

Rev. Dan Wilson

Pastor, Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ

“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work…  Through the testing of this ministry you glorify God by your obedience to the Gospel of Christ and by the generosity of your sharing with [the saints] and with all others, while they long for you and pray for you because of the surpassing grace of God that God has given you.  Thanks be to God for God’s indescribable gift!”

2 Corinthians 9:8,13-15

Trust these words.

Trust in God’s provision.

Trust God.

Celebrate Undie Sunday!

January 29, 2011 by  
Filed under What's happening

Far too many children right here in St. Louis can’t afford the things they need. One always-present yet often overlooked need is clean underwear. Join us for the fifth annual “Undie Sunday” as the Lambs/Genesis youth groups collect new underwear for children in need through Joint Neighborhood Ministry. Collections begin on January 30. February 20th is Undie Sunday! Drop your donations of new underwear in the basket in the Narthex. Want to help? Want to know more? Send us an e-mail.

Congratulations to the 2011 Elmer Award Winners!

January 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

ElmersEach year at Ivy Chapel, we celebrate those members who have contributed their time and talents to our church and our mission.

We call these awards “The Elmers.” The name comes from the idea that our members are the glue that hold us together.

The Elmer Awards were awarded during the Annual Meeting, which was held after worship on Jan. 23.

Thank you to outgoing Moderator Jan Wirtz for her hard work putting together (literally) this year’s awards, and to the Senior High Youth Group who provided the day’s lunch.

The 2011 Elmer Award Winners are:

Sew specialKay Kreder and Julie McAllister– making the Baptism Baby Quilts.

Inspiring GraduatesAlex Glenn and Liz Carr – our seniors who gave the Youth Sunday sermon and were so involved with Ivy before they left for college.

The Guardians of IvyFrank and Carol Purviance – they have dedicated many years of service to our God and Ivy.

Thank You Lord forRay and Rosalie Bunte, Pat and Carl Winship – jumping into the life and work of Ivy.

Yum Yum Sugar CookiesNancy Gerdes and her sister – for baking and helping our youth decorate cookies for many years.

Starry Starry Night -  Bruce, Janet, Alex and Kevin Wilking – for organizing Ivy Star Gazing night to see the beauty God has created.

Thank youMarsha Medley – her service as our Music Minister and giving Ivy the opportunity to hear her original composition of God Has Blessed America.

How Does Our Garden Grow – with the help of Tara Lowry, Chris Moody, Maggie Olver, Sue, Johanna and Sarah Wilson, Diann Sheahan, Jo Ann Moody and Linda Lowry – for the plantings around the parking lot.

Ivy ElvesErin Winship and Shannon Farrell – leading Santa’s Workshop.

Ivy Artists and Baby LoversErin and Mike Winship – Creating and organizing the painting of the Nursery mural and the “baby shower”.

Truly Dedicated to Ivy Chapel United Church of ChristFrieda Clark and Linda Lowry – they showed their devotion to do God’s work for Ivy by filling in when we really needed them this summer.

Let’s Perform Then Leave and Perform at Another Venue – Skylar Droege and Gloria Wintrode – they served Ivy then left immediately to serve our community.

Nothing trivial about Trivia Night???Fred Olver, Dottie and Ronn Foster – organized a successful Trivia Night with little time to plan.

Ivy Office Assistant’s Lee Headrick and Evelyn Stecher – thank you for helping in the office when needed.

Chili Mama’sDebbie Glenn and Sarah Heend – lead our successful Chili Supper.

A Woman of CaringMarsha Ramey – she is always available to assist the Emmaus people; sit with them, help them find the right pages for the hymns, etc. and for her service to Ivy Chapel U.C.C…

I’ll Do It; I’ll Take ChargeNelie McNeal – her involvement with our youth and leading our Rummage Sale and Youth Sunday.

‘What If’ we reached out into our CommunityRich Heend (Webmaster), Diane Droege (Flyer Queen), Nancy Litzinger (P.R.)

Amen – Laura Mignerone –Ivy’s child and God’s child with a lot to give. Praise the Lord!!!

Moving Forward – C & M members, Carol Faust, Bruce Wilking, Carolyn Wolff and DFT members,   Jo Ann Moody, Bruce Wilking, Peter LaSalle and Todd Armstrong for faithfully listening to our members and seeking God’s will to guide Ivy through difficult times.

Traveling Elmer’s:

Youth Power – This Little Light of Mine and so much moreour Acolytes – who begin and end our Sunday worship with a smile and joy:  Calvin Heend, Anna Arnold, Morgan Arnold, Natalie Arnold, Mackenzie Duvall, Brook Hilton, Brad Hilton, Nick Wintrode, Gloria Wintrode, Emily Pfau, Michael Pfau, Skylar Droege, Kate McNeal, Sarah Wilson, Tara Lowry, Alicia Carr, and Gavin Tichey (Linda Lowry will be the keeper of this Elmer)

HOG Carol Purviance, Carolyn Wolff and the Trustees – our long time and faithful decorators at Christmastide.

Ivy Involvement – Council: Jo Ann Moody, Julie McAllister, Don Wolff, Steve Lowry, Sarah Heend, Donnagail Carr, Nancy Gerdes, Debbie Washburn, Frank Purviance, Carol Faust and Linda Lowry and Pastor Dan – faithfully and diligently working for God in unity and keeping Ivy focused on our call through these challenging year, all for the good of God’s work and Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ’s mission.

Whale of a Fellow(s) – they show and live their devotion to God and Ivy on a daily basis with their involvement in JNM, Instituto el Ray, Fellowship, the Fall picnic at Millennium, our garden and grounds, committees, activities and ALL other  aspects of Ivy’s life – Debbie and Russ Washburn