And the answer is… Success!

November 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Over 100 people turned out for Trivia night on November 13, bringing in over $2,300 for Ivy Chapel. A portion of the funds will go to one of the community organizations we are proud to support. Thanks to everyone who helped with the event… and thanks to those who brought (tons of) food and their big brains!

Here are just a few photos…

[flickr album=72157625267879413 num=20 size=Thumbnail]

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One Comment on "And the answer is… Success!"

  1. Tweets that mention And the answer is… Success! : Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ | Chesterfield, MO -- on Sat, 20th Nov 2010 6:56 am 

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gunner Corsair, Ivy Chapel UCC. Ivy Chapel UCC said: And the answer is… Success, to the tune of $2,300! Thanks to all who came to our Trivia Night! #stl #ucc […]

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