Christmas Cantata, Dec. 12
November 22, 2010 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
The Ivy Chapel Choir’s Christmas Cantata will be held on Dec. 12, during our 10 am worship. Please join us for this very special celebration of the love of God and the Birth of Jesus. This year, Minister of Music Marsha Medley and the choir worked together to put together an original selection of music, scripture readings and reflections on the Season.
What are Chrismons?
November 22, 2010 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
When you visit Ivy Chapel during Advent, you’ll see a large, green tree with beautiful, hand-made white decorations in our Sanctuary. These are Chrismons.
Chrismons are Christmas decorations with traditional Christmas symbols on them, designed to help us remember the real reason for Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ.
The word “Chrismon” is a combination of the word Christ and Monogram, which means “symbol.” The Chrismons at Ivy Chapel are white, as this is the traditional color for Christmas.
Before or after worship this Christmas season, be sure to take a close look at the beautiful tree in the Sanctuary at Ivy Chapel, and take a moment to think about the meaning behind the symbols on the tree.
The youth of the church will be hanging the Chrismons on the tree during worship on Dec. 2, 2012.
Children’s Christmas pageant, Dec. 19
November 22, 2010 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
The children’s Christmas pageant is always a highlight of the Season at Ivy Chapel. Come, hear the Christmas story told by our youth. The pageant takes place during our 10am worship on Dec. 19. Need more information? Want to participate? Send us an e-mail.
Hanging of the Greens, Dec. 4-5
November 22, 2010 by Rich
Filed under What's happening
Come help us celebrate Advent and the Birth of Christ on December 4 and 5. On Saturday Dec. 5, starting at 2:30, we’re starting out with our Hanging of the Greens set-up. We’ll get everything ready for the next day’s worship and celebration. After we’re done, we’ll relax with pizza and fellowship. This is an all-church event… so everyone is invited! It’s a new approach to kicking off Advent and the Christmas season.
Then, on Sunday, Dec. 5, watch the sanctuary come alive with greenery during our 10am worship as members and friends of the church hang wreaths, and the youth hang our traditional Chrismons on the large sanctuary tree
After worship, we’ll celebrate with our traditional Soup & Bread lunch, followed by cookie baking and Santa’s Workshop. Â Kids from age five to sixth grade are invited to create some very special Christmas gifts for their families. The cost for the Santa’s Workshop is $6 per child. Need more info? Send us an e-mail, and we’ll give you the merry details.
And the answer is… Success!
November 19, 2010 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Over 100 people turned out for Trivia night on November 13, bringing in over $2,300 for Ivy Chapel. A portion of the funds will go to one of the community organizations we are proud to support. Thanks to everyone who helped with the event… and thanks to those who brought (tons of) food and their big brains!
Here are just a few photos…
[flickr album=72157625267879413 num=20 size=Thumbnail]
Thanksgiving Worship at St. Thomas UCC
November 4, 2010 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship, What's happening
Join us at 7:30 p.m. on November 23 at St. Thomas UCC in Chesterfield for a Community Thanksgiving Worship celebration.
Here is a map and directions to the church:
From Hwy. 109:
Turn east unto Wild Horse Creek Road. The church is about
2 miles east of Hwy. 109
From Hwy 40/64 Westbound:
Take the Long Road exit. Turn right on Wildhorse Creek Road.
Proceed 1.5 miles. St. Thomas is on the left hand side of the street.
From Hwy 40/64 Eastbound:
Exit on Chesterfield Airport Road. Turn right on Long Road.
Turn right on Wildhorse Creek Road. Proceed 1.5 miles. The church is
on the left hand side of the street.
Come see the new nursery, Nov. 14!
November 4, 2010 by Rich
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship
Several members of Ivy Chapel have lent their creative expertise over the past several weeks painting and cleaning our nursery. The freshened, kid-friendly space is now ready. Join us as we unveil the new nursery during a short ceremony after worship on Nov. 14.
Thank you to the Christian Education Board and the Trustees, and to the Alpha Omega and Ark youth groups for their help. A special thanks to Jan Wirtz, Mike Tichy, Jason Lowry and everyone who lent their artistic talents to the beautiful new space.
Here are some teaser photos of the work in progress: