Hot February Chili Supper raises $2,400 for Ivy Chapel programs

February 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

Thank you to everyone who came out to spice up a chilly February evening at Ivy Chapel. The chili supper raised over $2,400, which will be used to support our ongoing community outreach programs.

The youth raffle brought in over $300, which will go towards an upcoming youth mission trip.

A very special thank-you goes out to all of the volunteers who helped make the event a huge success.

Keep watching this website and Ivy Chapel’s twitter feed for upcoming fundraisers, fellowship events and other news from Ivy Chapel.

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Chili Supper: Raffle Items announced

February 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

During Saturday’s Chili Supper, Ivy Chapel’s youth will be conducting a raffle to support their upcoming mission trip to Honduras.
Some of the raffle prizes include:
St. Louis Cardinals scrapbook picture frame
$50 Mongolian BBQ gift certificate
2 scarves
2 huge themed gift baskets
3 jars of homemade jelly from Nancy Gerdes
Gift certificate for 2 dozen decorated Easter cookies
4 Fox tickets w/reserved parking pass for the show August: Osage County
You can purchase your raffle tickets anytime during the Chili Supper, and winners need not be present for the drawing to win. Click here if you need more information about the raffle or the chili supper.

Journey toward the Miracle of Easter

February 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

From the United Church of Christ…
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent—a season of self-examination, prayer, fasting and works of love. In many churches, ashes are placed on the forehead as a reminder of mortality.

The word “Lent” is from the Middle English verb meaning “to lengthen.” In the Northern Hemisphere, the season corresponds with the lengthening of days during late winter and early spring.

During Lent, Christians prepare themselves spiritually for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. The season spans 40 days: the number 40 symbolizes spiritual journeys home, corresponding to the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert in preparation for his ministry and the 40 years Israel journeyed through the wilderness towards the promised land. The traditional color of Lent is purple. During Holy Week, red is sometimes worn to symbolize the blood shed by Jesus for the salvation of humanity. In some traditions, following Maundy Thursday’s service, the sanctuary is stripped of color and ornament as a gesture which may suggest keeping vigil with Christ on the cross and in the tomb.

For more information about the journey toward the Miracle of Easter, and for information about how to make your own journey, visit the United Church of Christ’s Lent website.

Begin the Lenten journey at Ivy Chapel

February 16, 2010 by  
Filed under What's happening

The Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday on February 17th. The Lenten devotional booklet “Where In The World Is God?”, written for the 21st Century sinner, will be available on a table in the Narthex. With the Prayer Vigil we begin our 40-day ‘walk’ of spiritual examination to Easter.

Time line of events:
•The day starts with an all-day Prayer Vigil in the sanctuary from 6am to 5:30pm.
(Half-hour timeslots–7:30am through 9:30am, 11:30am through 1:30pm and 2:30pm through 5:30pm)

•At 6pm we will break bread together in Fellowship Hall. Our meal will be a simple supper prior to worship.
(You can still bring a soup even if you didn’t get to put your name on the bright green Sign-up sheet)

•Beginning at 7:30pm, Ivy Chapel will conclude the day with a worship service in the sanctuary.