Building support for Habitat for Humanity
April 26, 2009 by admin
Filed under What's happening
It’s time again for Ivy Chapel’s annual Habitat for Humanity drive. We’re building a lego house in the Narthex. With each $10 block, you’ll help build our house — and you’ll add your support to this very worthy cause which helps build real houses for families in our area. Our goal is $750. Help us build a house in our church… so we can help Habitat build houses throughout our community!
Click here to contact our church office to learn more about helping Habitat for Humanity, or call 314-434-4991.
40th Annual Lafayette Square Spring House and Garden Tour
April 22, 2009 by admin
Filed under What's happening
Come on down for the 40th Annual Lafayette Square Spring House and Garden Tour: “Ruby Jubilee” on Saturday, June 6 at 10 am.
This year’s Lafayette Square House and Garden Tour will feature the Square’s own “architectural jewels” – elaborately restored Victorian era mansions, brand new remarkable replications of Italianate town homes, and examples of historic restorations that are underway.  Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 on tour weekend.  Group Sales of 20 or more are $12. More information is on the bulletin board in fellowship hall.  After the tour, we will have lunch at Sqwires in Lafayette Square. Early registration is closed, but you can still take the tour! For information, contact Debbie Washburn.
New Conference E-newsletter
April 15, 2009 by admin
Filed under What's happening
The Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ is introducing a new, weekly e-mail newsletter that will replace The Courier. Like the Courier, the still-unnamed newsletter will feature announcements from member churches (including Ivy Chapel). If you are interested in receiving the weekly news e-mail, please subscribe by sending an e-mail to Sandy Roland. Be sure to mention you learned about the newsletter on Ivy Chapel’s website.